
TileMap Editor is a fat-free tile map editor with zero dependencies and a scalable, mobile-friendly interface

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


try it online at https://blurymind.github.io/tilemap-editor/

The online demo is an installable pwa, which has as a goal to demonstrate integration of the editor in other projects. You can use the pwa as a way of sharing a demo of tilesets and tilemaps you have created!

As an example this url: https://blurymind.github.io/tilemap-editor/?imgur=SjjsjTm the imgur=ID at the end tells tilemap-editor to use as tilesets an imgur uploads gallery with the same id in its url: https://imgur.com/a/SjjsjTm

In the same way you can also store your tilemaps in github gists! as an example this url: https://blurymind.github.io/tilemap-editor/?gist=e81f38830a67444c54adfb4f69c6538d the gist=ID at the end tells tilemap-editor to load the timap data (which also has the tilesets in it) from a gist at github with the same id in its url: https://gist.github.com/blurymind/e81f38830a67444c54adfb4f69c6538d

To store a tilemap in a gist, export it with file>downloadjson file, open the file and copy its contents, then paste them into a gist. Or alternatively just upload the file to a gist. Finally copy the gist's ID and then append the gist=yourGistId to the tilemap-editor url.

I plan to make this a simpler process in the future if there is enough interest.

About | Features | Reason | Getting started | Api use | How to Contribute |

👾 About

TileMap Editor is a fat-free tile map editor with zero dependencies and a scalable, mobile-friendly interface.

🎁 features

  • Multiple tileset support
  • Multiple tilemap support
  • Multi-tile selection and painting (drag select multiple tiles from the tileset)
  • Tileset meta-data editing (Assign tags to tiles, automatic assignment of symbols to tiles)
  • Animated tiles support
  • Flipped tiles support
  • Tilemap layers (as many as you like) with opacity and visibility
  • Export boilerplate code for kaboomjs https://kaboomjs.com/ (wip)
  • Customizable export data
  • Resizable tilemap - non destructive too
  • Paint tool, Pan tool, eraser tool, Bucket fill tool, Random tile tool, Pick tile tool
  • Undo/redo system
  • Responsive interface (scales down to portrait mode on mobile)
  • Tiny footprint
  • Easy I/O api that lets you transform and save data with ease


  • Paint tool modes (line, square, circle,etc)
  • tiled i/o

Multiple tilemaps and tilesets are supported in one file/session

It also scales all the way down to a smartphone screen in portrait mode

You can flip tiles

It can even do animated tiles

The random tile brush can also use animation frames to place a random frame

🌀 Reason

But Todor, why are you making another tilemap editor with all these other ones out there?

While I am a big fan of Tiled and LdTk, for my case I was looking for something that neither had:

  • Tiny footprint. Other tilemap editors are 60-100+ mb and require installation. Tilemap-editor is 30kb as of the time of writing this.
  • Can be used by other js projects/web apps/websites. It has been designed to be a module, which you can plug in your project easily.
  • No build process required, no webpack, no transpiling. Thats true, it's a single js+css file with no external dependencies!
  • Runs everywhere - mobile too. The other available options can not run on android or ios.
  • Responsive interface that scales all the way down to a portrait mode smartphone. Thats right, one of the goals is to let you make maps on your phone.
  • Again it just uses vanilla javascript, no react, no webpack, no 1gb+ eaten by the node modules folder. Inspect its code in the browser and it all there clear as a day.
  • No complicated build processes. Since it's just a js file, you don't need to wait for it to rebuild every time you change it

👓 Getting started

$ git clone https://github.com/blurymind/tilemap-editor.git
$ yarn
$ yarn start

📖 Api

To get it from npm, you can run

$ npm i tilemap-editor
$ yarn add tilemap-editor

To use it, you can import it via require or in the index file like so

// include the js and css files
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css"/>
<script src="tilemap-editor.js"></script>

TilemapEditor.init("tileMapEditor",{ // The id of the element that will become the tilemap-editor (must exist in your dom)
 // loads tilemap data which was saved before. undefined will start you with an empty map.
 // Takes a parsed json object with a data struct that tiled-editor can read (an object with maps and tileSets):
 // { maps : {...}, tileSets: {...}}
 tileMapData: ioJsonData,
 // tileSize is used to slice the tileset and give the tilemap the right sized grid
 tileSize: 32,
 // How many tiles is the initial map wide
 mapWidth: 20,
 // How many tiles is the initial map tall
 mapHeight: 20,
 // tileset images src (required)
 tileSetImages: ["https://i.imgur.com/ztwPZOI.png", "./free.png"],
 // You can write your own custom load image function here and use it for the tileset src. If you dont, the base64 string will be used instead
 tileSetLoaders: {
     fromUrl: {
         name: "Any url", // name is required and used for the loader's title in the select menu
         prompt: (setSrc) => { // Pass prompt ot onSelectImage. Prompt lets you do anything without asking the user to select a file
             const fileUrl = window.prompt("What is the url of the tileset?", "https://i.imgur.com/ztwPZOI.png");
             if(fileUrl !== null) setSrc(fileUrl)
     imgur: {
         name: "Imgur (host)",
         onSelectImage: (setSrc, file, base64) => { // In case you want them to give you a file from the fs, you can do this instead of prompt
                 console.log(file, base64);
                 console.log("Uploaded to imgur", result);
 // You can write your own tilemap exporters here. Whatever they return will get added to the export data you get out when you trigger onAppy
 tileMapExporters: {
     kaboomJs: { // the exporter's key is later used by the onApply option
         name: "Download KaboomJs boilerplate code", // name of menu entry
         description: "Exports boilerplate js code for KaboomJs",
         transformer: ({flattenedData, maps, tileSets, activeMap, downloadAsTextFile})=> {
             const text = kaboomJsExport({flattenedData, maps, tileSets, activeMap});
             downloadAsTextFile(text, "KaboomJsMapData.js");// you can use this util method to get your text as a file
 tileMapImporters: {
     //similar to the exporters, you can write your own data importer, which will then be added to the file menu
     tiledImport: {
         name: "Import Tiled json file (TODO)", // name of menu entry
         onSelectFiles: (setData, files) => { // callback that is triggered when file(s) are selected.
             const readFile = new FileReader();
             readFile.onload = (e) => {
                 const json = JSON.parse(e.target.result);
                 // At this point we got the json data from the tiled file. We need to convert it into
                 // a data struct that tiled-editor can read (an object with maps and tileSets):
                 // { maps : {...}, tileSets: {...}}
                 alert("Not implemented yet... pr welcome ;)");
                 return;// TODO tiled json file parser

                 setData(json); // Finally pass that to the setData function, which will load it into tiled-editor
         acceptFile: "application/JSON" // You can control what files are accepted
 // If passed, a new button gets added to the header, upon being clicked, you can get data from the tilemap editor and trigger events
 onApply: {
     onClick: ({flattenedData, maps, tileSets, activeMap}) => {
         console.log("onClick, gets the data too")
         const copyText = document.createElement("input");
         copyText.value = kaboomJsExport({flattenedData, maps, tileSets, activeMap});
         copyText.setSelectionRange(0, 99999); /* For mobile devices */

         /* Alert the copied text */
         alert("Copied the text: " + copyText.value);
         // const kbCode = kaboomJsExport({flattenedData, maps, tileSets, activeMap});
     buttonText: "Copy Kb to clip", // controls the apply button's text

🔧 How to Contribute

You are welcome to add new features or fix some bugs:

  1. Fork this repository

  2. Clone your fork

    $ git clone https://github.com/blurymind/tilemap-editor.git
  • Create a branch with your changes

    $ git checkout -b my-awesome-changes
  • Make the commit with your changes

    $ git commit -m 'feat: add a shortcut to copy a tile of the canvas'
  • Push your branch

    # Send the code to your remote branch
    $ git push origin my-awesome-changes
  • Create a Pull Request