This repository project consists of a little tool that connects with the Jira's clockwork API, fetching the registered worklogs on a specified time range. The fetched logs are then grouped by some rules (defined later on this document), that are aligned with my needs for providing a monthly work hours report for my job.
This tool is autonomous and allows no configuration aside for the time range to fetch, the user creating the report and the Jira project that should be limited.
The configuration for the program to run is made through environment variables that consists in:
- CLOCKWORK_API_TOKEN, which is mandatory, and represents the clockwork API token that allows for the user to fetch the logs. This token can be created on Jira -> Apps -> Clockwork menu.
- CLOCKWORK_API_START_DATE, represents the first date of the worklogs to fetch from the API. This date should follow the format YYYY-MM_DD. If not provided, it will be set to the first day of the current month.
- CLOCKWORK_API_END_DATE, represents the last date of the worklogs to fetch from the API. This date should follow the format YYYY-MM_DD. If not provided, it will be set to the last day of the current month.
- CLOCKWORK_API_PROJECT, which is optional, and represent the project key to be filtered.
- CLOCKWORK_API_AUTHOR, which is optional, and represent the user email to that filters the worklog author.
- CLOCKWORK_PARSER_OUTPUT_DIR, which represents the folder to where the CSV reports will be saved. The folder is created if it does not exist on the application run. If this environment variable is not set, the application will use the current working directory as the output directory.
- CLOCKWORK_PARSER_DEBUG, which is optional, and can be anything. This enables a more verbose logging of what the application is processing.
To run the application with the desired configuration, the user should run it with the specific variables set, or with
a file as argument with the definition of the desired configuration. This file should be provided with the -e
for example:
clockwork_parser -e $HOME/.config/clockwork.config
This application end task is to generate two reports files, on the CSV format, one for a issue grouping, another
for epic grouping. Both files will be created on the export
folder alongside the directory where is executed.
The first report will be called YYYYMM_issues_report.csv
and will list the time spent in each issue. The fields of
this report are:
- Epic, which is the epic name of the issue.
- Issue, which is the issue summary.
- Key, which is the key that represents the user.
- Type, which is the type of the issue.
- HoursSpent, the hours spent working on the issue.
- Assignee, the assignee of the issue.
Note: the YYYYMM parte of the file name will match the year and month of the starting date of generated report.
The second report will be called YYYYMM_epic_report.csv
and will list the time spent in each epic. However there are
some exception of this base rule that are considered:
- All bug type issues count the working hours in an epic called "Bug", for logging the work on bug issues.
- All issues that are not assigned to the author of the worklog are interpreted as Peer Review work, and so they are grouped in an epic called "Review", for logging peer review work.
- All issues that don't have an epic associated will be registered in an epic with its summary.
The fields of this report are:
- Epic, which is the epic name of the work done.
- HoursSpent, the hours spent working on the epic.
Note: the YYYYMM part of the file name will match the year and month of the starting date of generated report.