
Created with StackBlitz ⚡️

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Nextjs Sandbox

This is my space to play with the Nextjs sandbox and explore helpful tooling.


  • add console.tap
  • define feature structure
  • add plop file generator
  • add linting & prettier


PreBuilt Links If <Link> is used to navigate around the app, is there a way to get a list of all possible routes (all paths in /pages) and prebuild Link components that point to the given routes? eg:

<Link.api.home /> -> <Link href="api/home">
<Link.home /> -> <Link href="/">

At the very least there should be exported constants for all of the paths, otherwise using strings for href will result in typos without errors.

  • with plop read all of the routes in /pages and create files


  • add MDX

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