
Kindertagesstätten (Kitas) Berlin

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Kindertagesstätten (Kitas) Berlin



If no search parameters are attached, the following page contains all Kitas from the offical city record



Within the document the data is structured as follows (instead of using classes every field has a unique id, yes this means this document has 12770 unique ids and we cannot check for class names and instead need to parse ids):

#DataList_Kitas tbody td
  > a = Link to Details also contains the ID of the item
    id contains KitaNr = Kita number (official id, i guess)
    id contains TraegerName = Kita's parent organisation
    id contains KitaAdresse = address
    id contains Ortsteil = city district

to enricht the meta data of each Kita, the next step will parse the details page of each Kita. Some of the following fields will be empty.

#lblEinrichtungsart = Kita type
#lblTraegerart = type of Kita's parent organisation
#HLinkStadtplan = Link to city map (this contains the postcode)
#lblTelefon = phone number
#HLinkEMail = email
#HLinkWeb = url website
#imgKita = 'https://www.berlin.de/sen/jugend/familie-und-kinder/kindertagesbetreuung/kitas/verzeichnis/' + ImageURL
#lblPaedSchwerpunkte = educational concept
#lblThemSchwerpunkte = thematic foci
#lblMehrsprachigkeit = languages

Opening Times (remove b-tag, which holds the short day)


Age structure and places

#GridViewPlatzstrukturen tbody tr:1
  td:0 = overall {int}
  td:1 = under 3 years of age {int}
  td:2 = over 3 years of age {int}
  td:3 = minimum age to be accepted (in month) {int}
  td:4 = age mix {text}

Available places (might be empty)

if(#GridViewFreiPlaetze tbody tr td.length == 1) > empty

  td:0 = acceptance age (in month)
  td:1 = all ages
  td:2 = over 3 years of age
  td:3 = under 3 years of age
  td:4 = daily hours
  td:5 = available from (date)
  td:6 = comment
  td:7 = whatever

Open positions (might be empty)

if(#GridViewStellenangebote tbody tr td.length == 1) > empty

#GridViewStellenangebote tbody tr:>0 
  td:0 = Position text
  td:1 = Position date


The data is then scraped through the main script:

node index.js

This will result in a kitas.json (Array of all kitas) and a kitas_keys.json (hash table of ids to array position). The kitas.json also holds a timestamp when the file was created. If an old file already exists, its moved to ./archive/. As the resulting file contains all meta data, a minified version can be crated through:

node minify.js

This will result in a light weight csv and a dictionary for common terms, which are replace in the csv to reduce the file size.

Address Data

The following downloads all addresses in the city of Berlin and stores them in a geojson file.

ogr2ogr --config OGR_WFS_PAGING_ALLOWED YES --config OGR_WFS_PAGE_SIZE 100000 -s_srs EPSG:25833 -t_srs WGS84 -f GeoJSON address.geojson WFS:"http://fbinter.stadt-berlin.de/fb/wfs/geometry/senstadt/re_rbsadressen" re_rbsadressen

Again this is pretty big, so this will be reduced:


TODO: Add postcode / district name to list, because of duplicate streets across city


The whole routing runs on OSRM and an OSM extract of Berlin.

Creating the osrm files

I strongly recommend using the docker images provided by osrm, in order to turn osm extracts into osrm ready data sets. See documentation here: https://hub.docker.com/r/osrm/osrm-backend/

Building the routing service

If you are able to use docker (e.g. server that supports docker or local install) do so. Otherwise my suggestion is to use node v6.x.x and install osrm via npm. Why v6? Mapbox is so kind to provide prebuild versions, but only for v4 and v6. Using the prebuild versions allows you to avoid a lot of problems.

