This is a prototype implementation of the MinHash technique for quickly estimating how similar two sets are.
- Sbt 0.13
- Python (for creating datasets)
- Java 1.7 or higher
##Extra Folders
- generator/: contains a python script (generator.py) to generate datasets.
- input/: contains two sampleInputs ready to be used.
- report/: contains the latex source for this project report.
##Build and Run
- From a console, go to the project source folder and execute:
$> sbt "run <path to input> <number of hash functions> <user to be recommended>"
For example:
$> sbt "run input/sampleInput2.txt 4 2"
The output should give a List[(userId,SimIndex)] in descending order and a list of products to be recommended.
Note: for number of hash functions more than 5, it may need to run the algorithm several times until a recommendation is shown.