
This is a code sample repository for demonstrating how to perform Databricks Delta Table operations.

Primary LanguageHTML

Databricks Delta Table Samples

This is a code sample repository for demonstrating how to perform Databricks Delta Table operations. The source data used the famous Online Retail Data Set from UCI Machine Learning Repository. And the data for 2010 has been segregated into individual CSV or JSON files for daily data merge demonstration.

  • Step 1: Create Master Delta Table (One-Off) - Step_1_Create_Master_Delta_Table_OneOff.ipynb/html
  • Step 2: Daily Delta Table Merge (Daily Operation), 02122010 as an example - Step_2_Daily_Delta_Table_Merge.ipynb/html
  • Step 2 (Optional): Daily Delta Table Merge (Daily Operation) with source file format in JSON, 03122010 as an example - Step_2_Daily_Delta_Table_Merge_JSON.ipynb/html
  • Step 3: Time Travel (Optional) - Step_3_Time_Travel_Optional.ipynb/html


Notes for how to create secret store in Databricks.

Connect Databricks with Databicks CLI

  1. Configure Databricks CLI to connect to your Databricks workspace instance.
    databricks configure --token
  2. Enter the Databricks workspace URL (e.g., https://enter-your-own-workspace.azuredatabricks.net/) and Personal Access Token.

Create new Secret Scope and Key in Databricks

  1. List number of secret scopes in your Databricks workspace.
    databricks secrets list-scopes
  2. Create the new secret scope.
    databricks secrets create-scope --scope please_enter_your_own_scope_name --initial-manage-principal users
  3. Put the secret into newly created secret scope.
    databricks secrets put --scope please_enter_your_own_scope_name --key please_enter_your_own_key_name
  4. List number of secret in the secret scope.
    databricks secrets list --scope please_enter_your_own_scope_name