INTRODUCTION A bundle of functionality intended to provide a basic news or blog section in a Panopoly install. Produced through the titration of secret sauce using liquid science as a reagent.
DEMO CONTENT -Disable the panopoly_news_demo module through the modules interface, features, or by clicking on one of the links provided.
THEMING -Some default styles are included in panopoly_news_demo/css, but will be lost when you disable the demo content. If you like these, simply copy panopoly_news_demo/css/panopoly_news_demo.css into your theme and add the line "stylesheets[all][] = [css_directory]/panopoly_news_demo.css" into your theme's .info file. -We have also provided the .less file, checkout the LESS project on for info on how to implement this.
CREATING APPS Apps are bundles of functionality, primarily built upon familiar Drupal building blocks such as... -Content Types -Views -Panels
...and stored using Features. To learn more about Apps and how to build them, visit: