Best tournament app

It's the best tournament application for make fun in companies

Getting started

NOTE: it's recommended to use yarn in ./web-app by quasar and required by CI/CL. In the end yarn.lock or package-lock.json must by up to date for CI/CL function properly.

1. In server and web application folders copy .env.example to .env file and change the settings for yourself:

2. Install quasar globally:

$ yarn global add @quasar/cli
# or
$ npm install -g @quasar/cli

3. Install the dependencies in subfolders:

./server$ yarn
./web-app$ yarn

4. Start the app in development mode (hot-code reloading, error reporting, etc.):

./server$ yarn dev

# web application
./web-app$ quasar dev


Lint the files:

# lint server and web application
$ yarn lintAll

# lint server
./server$ yarn lint

# lint web application
./web-app$ yarn lint

Build the app for production:

./server$ yarn build

# web application
./web-app$ quasar build



# database root user
  username: root
  password: secret

NOTE: user are specified in docker-compose.yml

Start the database (mongodb) via docker. Use -d to run in background:

$ sudo docker-compose up -d

Use GUI for quickly inspect database, open in browser localhost:8081.

See logs from container(database):

$ sudo docker logs mongodb

Interacting with the MongoDB container:

Note: there You will have access to mongo command

$ sudo docker exec -it mongodb bash