
Keith's dotfiles, for dotting and stuffs.

Primary LanguageShell


  1. Run gem install [briefcase](http://jim.github.com/briefcase/)
  2. Make a ~/.briefcase_secrets file, which should look like:
  gitconfigName: My Full Name
  gitconfigEmail: myemail@address.com
  1. Run git clone git@github.com:keithamus/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
  2. Run briefcase generate
  3. Run briefcase sync

If you're on a Mac, do the following to make it more awesomer:

brew install bash # get bash 4.2.20 with autocd
brew install tig # Tig is git, but moar awesomer
ln -s "/Applications/Sublime Text 2.app/Contents/SharedSupport/bin/subl" /usr/local/bin/subl

Also if you want bash 4.2.20, you need to do annoying stuff...

  1. Edit /etc/shells and add /usr/local/bin/bash as an extra line
  2. Run the command sudo chsh -s /usr/local/bin/bash $USER

Quick functions


The project function is a shorthand for cd ~/Projects/<projectName>; clean; git status -s. Which is a quick way to switch to a project you're working on. the "~/Projects" dir can be changed by exporting PROJECTS_PATH at any time. It also has bash completion.


headless is a shortcut for running VirtualBox vms headlessly. Specify headless start <VM> to start one, and headless stop <VM> to stop one. If you don't know or don't care if you're stopping or starting, then ommit that, and just do headless <VM>. It will work out what to do. It also has bash completion


xtract can be used to unarchive zips/tars/etc without the headache of remembering xfv style combos. Just literally type xtract <filename>, it'll do the rest. No bash completion here, maybe someday.


git is a more cleverer alias for git, but it does some stuff around tig. Tig is awesome, and you want it. This is a set and forget thing, don't worry, it'll do the magics.


nano has been replaced by a command which asks if you want to use subl instead. Good for if, like me, you habitually type "nano " when you really would like Sublime instead. Yup.