
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

DS18B20 Temperature to mqtt for Raspberry Pi

Reads the the temperature of DS18B20 sensors and sends it to a mqtt broker.


pip install rpi-temperature-mqtt


Needs a json configuration file as follows (don't forget to change ip and credentials ;-)):

    "mqtt_client_id": "power_meter",
    "mqtt_host": "",
    "mqtt_port": "1883",
    "sources": [
          "serial": "10-0008031e4d9e",
          "topic": "halti/stweg/temperature_heating"
          "serial": "10-0008031e804b",
          "topic": "halti/stweg/temperature_water"
          "serial": "10-0008031eaac7",
          "topic": "halti/stweg/temperature_solar"

Optional json variables:

Wait before query all sensors again (defaults to 300)

"wait_update": "60",

Wait between sensor reads (defaults to 5)

"wait_process": "3",

In case your mqtt has user and passwd

"mqtt_user": "username",

"mqtt_password": "password",

You may enable verbose mode to catch issues

"verbose": "true",


rpi-temperature-mqtt config.json