The web application displays and manages the data of cancer patients.
At the right side of webpage: In Summary tab, the histogram charts of the 6 attributes are shown. Patients tab shows a data table of cancer patients. The initialized table shows all the data in database.
At the left side of webpage: In filter tab, you can fill the conditions for the filter. You don't need to fill all of the conditions. After you fill the conditions, you can click the submit botton. Then the table in Patients wil show the result of filtering.
In New Patient tab, you can add the data for new patients. The system will automatically generate the patient_ID.
The backend framework of this project is Django. The database is MySQL. The frontend framework is Bootstrap and JQuery
3rd party js plugins:
- CanvasJS
- Datatables
If you want to deploy this project on your host(Linux), you may need to install following package:
- python 2.7
- numpy (Python package)
- Django
- MySQL-client
- libmysqlclient-dev
- Mysqldb (python package)
If all of these packages(software) have been installed, run
python runserver 8000
in folder patient/mysite/
Then open web address
- Yuxin Cui
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details