
Ansible role for configuring Percona XtraDB or Server on CentOS

Percona Host

  • Installs Percona XtraDB Cluster (or Server) 5.7 on CentOS 7.4
  • Firewalld rules configured based on selected install (cluster or server)
  • Generates TLS certificates (requires Galaxy role easypath.generate-tls-certs)

WARNING: re-running certificate generation in the same output folder will overwrite any existing certs and keys!

NOTE: SELinux needs to be in permissive mode or disabled if using Percona XtraDB clustering; see offical install guide

Role Variables

  • See defaults/main.yml

Example Playbook

- hosts: all
    - name: "config_cluster"
      prompt: "> Install Percona XtraDB Cluster?"
      private: no
      default: true

    - name: "config_fw"
      prompt: "> Configure firewall rules?"
      private: no
      default: true

    - name: Install Percona
        name: percona-host



Author Information

EasyPath IT Solutions Inc.