
Select and list the same parameter from multiple models

JulianGaviriaL opened this issue · 2 comments

I have multiple (>300) models like:

m001 <- lm(Observations ~ Group ,data=r_001)

> sm001
# Standardization method: refit

Parameter   | Std. Coef. |        95% CI
(Intercept) |       0.16 | [-0.41, 0.73]
Grouppre    |      -0.30 | [-0.90, 0.30]
GenderM     |      -0.18 | [-0.70, 0.34]
Age         |      -0.11 | [-0.35, 0.14]
EducationE2 |      -0.11 | [-0.78, 0.56]
EducationE3 |       0.13 | [-0.49, 0.74]

> sm301
# Standardization method: refit

Parameter   | Std. Coef. |        95% CI
(Intercept) |       0.16 | [-0.41, 0.73]
Grouppre    |      0.38 | [-0.90, 0.60]
GenderM     |      -0.18 | [-0.70, 0.34]
Age         |      -0.11 | [-0.35, 0.14]
EducationE2 |      -0.11 | [-0.78, 0.56]
EducationE3 |       0.13 | [-0.49, 0.74]

How can I select and list the same parameter (i.e, "Grouppre") from each "sm" object in the environment?

I unsucceed with the following loop:

output_position <- grep("sm",ls())
all_effects <- foreach(i=output_position,.combine="rbind") %do% {
  output <- get(ls()[i])
rownames(all_effects) <- ls()[output_position]

The example looks strange, I wonder where the coefficients like age etc. come from. If you want to keep only specific parameters, use arguments keep and drop (see https://easystats.github.io/parameters/reference/model_parameters.default.html).

m001 <- lm(mpg ~ ., data = mtcars)
m002 <- lm(hp ~ ., data = mtcars)

mod_names <- ls() |> Filter(f = \(x) startsWith(x, "m00"))
mod_list <- lapply(setNames(nm = mod_names), get)

                               keep = "am", 
                               standardize = "refit")
#> Parameter    |               m001 |               m002
#> ------------------------------------------------------
#> am           | 0.21 (-0.15, 0.56) | 0.07 (-0.25, 0.38)
#> ------------------------------------------------------
#> Observations |                 32 |                 32

Created on 2023-12-07 with reprex v2.0.2