- 2
Tests failing on macOS in CRAN checks
#1011 opened by IndrajeetPatil - 0
model_paramaters with exponentiate = TRUE not working with bootstrapped object from bootstrap_model
#1004 opened by gordy2x - 0
parameters:::.extract_htest_correlation should always return CI info if the htest object provides it
#1003 opened by DarwinAwardWinner - 5
Bootstrap Argument in `parameters::parameters()` Function Not Working with svyglm Models
#918 opened by brianmsm - 2
Error in exp(spurious_coefficients) : non-numeric argument to mathematical function
#999 opened by rbcavanaugh - 0
Use `insight::get_df()`
#996 opened by strengejacke - 2
- 4
Should `model_parameters(<a mixed model>)` use `ci_method = "S"/"KR"` by default?
#989 opened by mattansb - 2
- 0
- 1
- 3
vcovHC providing different SEs + p-values for parameters compared to coeftest when estimating a glm() model
#990 opened by dpmoriarity - 4
- 3
- 5
maybe we _do_ need to rename the `effectsize_type` argument to avoid partial matching after all
#978 opened by strengejacke - 6
`effects="all"` drops columns
#975 opened by vincentarelbundock - 10
Calculating by-group estimates and CIs for a random intercept grouping variable in `lmer()`
#894 opened by OmidGhasemi21 - 6
`include_reference = TRUE` erroneously works with `datawizard::contr.deviation()`
#962 opened by mattansb - 1
- 1
coxme fails
#964 opened by lucasxteixeira - 2
- 0
- 5
`include_reference` in `parameters()`?
#952 opened by vincentarelbundock - 0
Support for {circular} uniformity tests
#932 opened by DominiqueMakowski - 2
- 3
- 1
Fix vignette build failures
#938 opened by IndrajeetPatil - 1
pool_parameters df_error Infinity
#934 opened by ndsubison2178 - 1
- 2
- 0
check mmrm implementation
#920 opened by strengejacke - 2
- 1
- 1
`model_parameters()` on marginaleffects::predictions()-object defaults to `exponentiate = TRUE`
#916 opened by snhansen - 5
- 0
`nnet::multinom` with wide format data
#905 opened by vincentarelbundock - 2
- 11
Wrong header when using identity-link with GLMs
#895 opened by snhansen - 20
Wrong DFs in `model_parameters.fixest`
#892 opened by vincentarelbundock - 0
- 0
- 3
Strange behavior in standardise_parameters()
#889 opened by janmbecker - 0
- 7
parameters fails with nestedLogit models
#886 opened by friendly - 3
- 3
Support `nestedLogit`
#880 opened by vincentarelbundock - 2
- 0
- 2
error in model_parameters() for mblogit
#857 opened by madebyafox - 1