Error checking normality for t.test
cmartin opened this issue · 1 comments
cmartin commented
Trying this piece of code from the examples :
t.test(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$hp, var.equal = TRUE) |> check_normality()
Produces the error
Error in eval(predvars, data, env) : object 'Value' not found
I did a bit of digging and the error seems to come from this performance line :
m <- stats::lm(formula = Value ~ factor(Name), data = datawizard::data_to_long(data))
Apparently, my version of data_to_long now return Value and Name in lowercase
I'm using R 4.3.0 on Mac, with performance 0.10.9 and datawizard 0.9.1
Thank you for your time and great package!
strengejacke commented
Thanks, should be fixed