:muscle: Models' quality and performance metrics (R2, ICC, LOO, AIC, BF, ...)
- 3
Error for R2 for beta binomial glmmTMB model
#787 opened by sschooler - 10
- 5
check_model() and other functions not working with only post-"hurdle" glmmTMB model
#781 opened by MaBKo - 3
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Revise compare_models() for Bayesian models
#716 opened by DominiqueMakowski - 0
Fix snapshot tests
#775 opened by mattansb - 1
- 1
R-squared for Dirichlet regression (`r2`)
#683 opened by MarcRieraDominguez - 13
Confidence intervals for ICC, it seems that none of the `ci_method`s work (neither default, `boot` or `analytical`).
#745 opened by strengejacke - 2
check_predictions() fails when outcome is log-transformed and named like a valid function
#722 opened by mattansb - 25
ICC for `beta_family` not accurate
#742 opened by roaldarbol - 2
Remove unnecessary `tryCatch()` statements targeting `insight::download_model()`
#732 opened by IndrajeetPatil - 3
Problems using `r2_nakagawa()`
#726 opened by Franelizabethgalvez - 0
Comparing frequentist and Bayesian models
#738 opened by roaldarbol - 3
- 2
`check_zeroinflation()` not working with glmmTMB?
#744 opened by sj-perry - 9
95 CI for rmse
#740 opened by jorgemmteixeira - 5
check_model error suggestions are not complete
#713 opened by CorneeldH - 1
- 5
`icc` doesn't work for `glmmTMB`
#682 opened by raffaem - 4
r2_nakagawa and glmmTMB with beta_family
#710 opened by POHedwall - 4
How can I save the group of plots produced by check_model to a figure from within a script?
#674 opened by ZaidaEMtzMo - 5
check_model fails if dependent variable is labelled
#727 opened by sjewo - 17
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check_model() bugged for lmer models *only* when run as part of an RMD chunk
#720 opened by dpmoriarity - 3
Error in `check_model(<glmer>)`
#723 opened by mattansb - 9
R-squared for glmmTMB (binomial)
#719 opened by luroy - 5
Outlier detection in Linear mixed models failed?
#711 opened by tappituffi - 2
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Error and Incomplete Output Using performance::check_collinearity with Cox Models
#714 opened by zhaohongxin0 - 4
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check_model "Error in match.arg"
#695 opened by dpmoriarity - 19
- 2
check_model failing on logistic regression
#701 opened by bbolker - 1
Revising `check_model()`
#697 opened by strengejacke - 2
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- 4
- 11
- 1
Error checking normality for t.test
#689 opened by cmartin - 1
Errors in using r2_kullback
#667 opened by gxxin1994 - 0
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`check_singularity` doesn't work for `glmmTMB`
#681 opened by raffaem - 9
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Checking outliers paper: BRM review discussion
#663 opened by rempsyc - 0
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Missing variable when using the check_collinearity() function for zero-augmented glmmTMB (hurdle, zi)
#665 opened by jpcsuarez - 2
Simple glms no longer supported?
#659 opened by jbohenek - 5
`check_model`: add title and save plot
#656 opened by abanihas - 0
Examples for `{BayesFactor}` are failing
#655 opened by IndrajeetPatil