
LaTex Code For My Resume

Primary LanguageTeX

Resume Repository

Welcome to my private GitHub repository for my personal resume! This repository contains both the LaTeX source code and the PDF version of my resume.


  • resume.tex: This file contains the LaTeX source code of my resume.
  • Resume.pdf: This is the PDF version of my latest resume.


The main purpose of this repository is to keep track of the different versions of my resume and make it easy for me to access and update it from anywhere. As it is a private repository, it is meant for personal use only and not for sharing or public distribution.

Updating the Resume

If you wish to update the resume, you can simply make the necessary changes to the resume.tex file using your favorite LaTeX editor and then compile it to generate the updated PDF. Remember to commit and push the changes to this repository to keep it up to date.


Here is a link to view and download the latest version of my resume in PDF format: View Resume PDF