
Android Doze Tweaks

MIT LicenseMIT


Understand device idle state transition and tune device_idle_constants settings properly!



  • understand Doze internal implementation
  • tune device_idle_constants settings for usual phones to use Doze in a flexibel way
    • device_idle_constants_watch for wearable watches
  • without installing extra Apps
  • root access only for setup


  • Original Doze (or Deep Doze) available on Android 6+ and Light Doze only on Android 7+.
  • Deep Doze would only work if there is any motion sensor available (fallback on significant motion sensor)
    • Older phone without such motion sensor (e.g. SMD) cannot be benefited from Deep Doze.
    • Some battery saving Apps would disable (i.e. actually restrict) sensors to other Apps, but Deep Doze will still have to depend on motion sensors.
  • Deep Doze' idle may have more impact than Light one (e.g. UsageStatsService).
  • Apps with WakeLock, white-listed or without respect to Doze idle will still consume significant battery power during Doze idle!
  • tuning Doze settings from external adb interface is not very convenient in case that you want to change them frequently and directly on your Android.
  • To prevent Google Service to reset device_idle_constants: Solution (for Android Marshmallow)
 2 methods:
 sqlite3 /data/data/com.google.android.gms/databases/phenotype.db "DELETE FROM Flags WHERE name = 'device_idle_constants';"
 pm disable --user 0 com.google.android.gms/.phenotype.service.sync.PhenotypeConfigurator

Usage & Example

Inspect current Doze settings from deviceidle

$ adb shell dumpsys deviceidle

Inspect any customized Doze settings. It returns null if none has been set.

$ adb shell settings get global device_idle_constants

Configure customized Doze settings.

To ignore Deep Doze and discard any motion by increasing inactive_to (and motion_inactive_to) timeout to a very large number (e.g. 30 days) so that Deep Doze never goes into its IDLE state and only Light Doze can manage to its IDLE state.

$ adb shell settings put global device_idle_constants inactive_to=2592000000,motion_inactive_to=2592000000

To ignore Light Doze for whatever reason by doing similar setup with light_after_inactive_to so that Light Doze probably never enters IDLE state.

$ adb shell settings put global device_idle_constants light_after_inactive_to=2592000000

To ignore Deep Doze and use Light Doze mimic Deep Doze timing.

$ adb shell settings put global device_idle_constants inactive_to=2592000000,motion_inactive_to=2592000000,light_after_inactive_to=3000000,light_max_idle_to=21600000,light_idle_to=3600000,light_idle_maintenance_max_budget=600000,min_light_maintenance_time=30000

To idle causaully at the begining and increasingly keep idle as much as possible without taking motion into account by ignoring the real Deep Doze and tuning Light Doze so that it will begin idle less than one minute after phone inactive and stay idle from 30 minutes to 24 hours with increasing factor 1.5; Maintenance task would be performed for maximal 30 seconds and any alarm allowed to wake up Doze from idle would take less effect.

$ adb shell settings put global device_idle_constants inactive_to=2592000000,motion_inactive_to=2592000000,light_after_inactive_to=20000,light_pre_idle_to=30000,light_max_idle_to=86400000,light_idle_to=1800000,light_idle_factor=1.5,light_idle_maintenance_max_budget=30000,light_idle_maintenance_min_budget=10000,min_time_to_alarm=60000

To idle as much as possible without taking motion into account by ignoring the real Deep Doze and tuning Light Doze so that it will be trapped in IDLE state as long as possible. Maintenance task would be performed about twice a day for maximal 30 seconds and any alarm allowed to wake up Doze from idle would take less effect.

$ adb shell settings put global device_idle_constants inactive_to=2592000000,motion_inactive_to=2592000000,light_after_inactive_to=15000,light_pre_idle_to=30000,light_max_idle_to=86400000,light_idle_to=43200000,light_idle_maintenance_max_budget=30000,light_idle_maintenance_min_budget=10000,min_time_to_alarm=60000

Reset customized Doze settings to default.

$ adb shell settings delete global device_idle_constants

Doze Device Idle State Transition

  • Actually there are two state machines running in parallel
  • In any IDLE state the Doze mode is active and battery usaage gets reduced.

Light Doze

Deep Doze