
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Fetch map from WMS server and store them as tiled web map in Slippy Map or Google Map convention. Typically such web map tiles have EPSG:3857 projection.

The output structure:

|- 10/
|  |- 544/
|  |  |- 354.png
|  |  |- 355.png
|  |- 545
|     |- 354.png
|     |- 355.png
|- 11/
|  |- ...
|- 12/
|  |- ...

The tool is similar to many others like wms-tiles-downloader or QGIS' gdal2xyz but it can also accept geojson polygon as area of interest.


$ pip install wms-tile-get


$ conda install -c conda-forge wms-tile-get

It is highly recommended to use conda to install. Manual installation with GDAL and others on Windows please see the instruction.


Fetch tiles for an area (e.g. a city)

$ cd example/

$ wms-tile-get -s by_wms.json \
               -g munich.boundary.geojson \
               -z 10 \
               -o by_dop80c
  • -s defines configuration file of WMS server parameters.
  • -g defines the area(s) of interest (polygon area in geojson).
  • -z defines the zoom level(s) of interest.
  • -o defines output folder.

An area or boundary shapes (e.g. munich.boundary.geojson) of named areas can be downloaded from boundary.now.

Fetch tiles for a bbox area

$ wms-tile-get -s by_wms.json \
               -b 11.43,48.11,11.63,48.26 \
               -z 10 \
               -o by_dop80c
  • -b defines bounding box with longitudes and latitudes coordinates (i.e. EPSG:4326)

A bbox can be calculated online.

More example

fetch tiles for zoom level 1 to 5, and 10 and 13. All tiles will be fetched again when the tiles already exist in the output folder.

$ wms-tile-get -s by_wms.json \
               -g munich.boundary.geojson \
               -z 1-5 10 13  \
               -o by_dop80c  \
  • --force re-fetch a map tile even it already exists in the output folder


Extra example

We can also only generate tile information with [x, y, z, minx, miny, maxx, maxy] tuples representing WMTS tile id and bbox.

$ cat munich.boundary.geojson       \
     | supermercado burn 10         \
     | mercantile shapes --mercator \
     | jq -c -r '[ [.id[1:-1]|split(",")|.[]|tonumber], .bbox ] | flatten | join(",")' \
     > munich.tiles.bbox.z10.txt

The result munich.tiles.bbox.z10.txt looks like:


and then we can fetch tiles with such tile information.

$ wms-tile-get -s by_wms.json \
               -t munich.tiles.bbox.z10.txt \
               -o by_dop80c
  • -t defines tile information input file.

WMS server definition

A WMS server definition consists mainly url and parameter which is appended to url as HTTP GET method parameters.

Example: example/by_wms.json

  "url": "https://geoservices.bayern.de/wms/v2/ogc_dop80_oa.cgi",
  "parameter": {
    "service": "WMS",
    "request": "GetMap",
    "layers": "by_dop80c",
    "styles": "",
    "format": "image/png",
    "transparent": true,
    "version": "1.1.1",
    "width": 256,
    "height": 256,
    "srs": "EPSG:3857",
  "concurrency": 8


  • The actual parameter bbox of a WMS request will be determined automatically.

Additional options:

  • concurrency: the maximal number of parallel requests to the WMS server