
Fortran utility modules

Primary LanguageFortranGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Futilities: unsorted Fortran utility modules

Brief summary of their purpose

  • bspline: Multidimensional spline interpolations (check source file for original author).

  • cuba: Fortran interface to the cuba multidimensional integrator.

  • eomrelax & sorelax: Successive over-relaxation integrator of partial differential equations (eomrelax encodes the equations of motion, sorelax is the relaxator).

  • fifo: First In First Out memory buffer, you can empty of fill the queue from the top or from the bottom (used by the scheduler module).

  • iofifo: Saving and reading data for the fifo module.

  • scheduler: A basic Message Passing Interface (MPI) queue scheduler. It distributes an equal list of jobs to various MPI processes. When some of these processes have finished their load, they can start stealing work to the others.

  • index: A little module to shuffle array indexing.

  • iopara: A module to wrap-up some parallel writting function of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) library.

  • flatten: Flattening a multidimensional array into 1D and reverting the operation.

  • fwcs: A Fortran interface to the World Coordinate System library wcslib

  • wcswrap.c: A C-wrapper to some functions of the wcslib, for the fwcs module

  • iofits: A Fortran interface to some functions of the fitsio library.

  • iotools: Some wrappers to do debugging and simple I/O in Fortran.

  • linalg: A linear algebra module using the lapack library

  • linfft: One dimensional Fourier transform based on the fftw library

  • lm: A non-linear fitting module, using the Levenberg-Marquardt method (core from netlib, BSD-license)

  • sepbvp: A module to solving boundary value problems, encapsulating the Cash & Mazzia code (see source file).

  • sundials: A module to call the differential equation solvers of the sundials library.

  • funcutils: A module to do basic derivation (uses bspline) and integration (based in dverk, netlib).


Some modules encapsulate some public code and they inherit their licence from their ancestor. For the others, this is GPLv3, even if not mentioned in the source file yet.