EvoStat: A PhageStat to support PACE and PATHE Experiments NB: in the process of namechange from PACE to EvoStat. PACE github repository will disappear EvoStat will appear.
Software and Hardware for a low-cost platform for PACE and PATHE experiments.
PATHE (Phage-Assisted Three-Hybrid Evolution) is an enhancement to PACE (Phage Assisted Continuous Evolution) described by Kevin M. Esvelt, Jacob C. Carlson, and David R. Liu in http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21478873
This project contains Arduino code for a CellStat(Turbidostat), Sample Collector, and Lagoons as well as the server software to provide an on-screen interface to Temperature, Turbidity, Flowrate, and Sample Collector control and Web interface.
SWI-Prolog based web server, GUI, and Turbidostat control software is written mostly in Prolog/Xpce with some Python (e.g. pySerial, for a portable serial interface to Arduino) and HTML. Bluetooth interface added as foreign function library to SWI-Prolog currently eliminates the need for pySerial. See github.com/eatoin5hrdlu/plblue
Running EvoStat on a Linux or Windows machine provides an interface for multiple phageStats with using Bluetooth connected Arduino running host.ino for the Host Cellstat, multiple Bluetooth connected Arduinos for Lagoons (lagoon.ino), and a sample collector: Bluetooth connected Arduino running collector.ino. (Using a WiFi camera and bluetooth modules has reduced apparatus wiring by 90%)
It also contains a web server to provide essentially the same interface via the URL:
- Python2.7
- OpenCV (plus: "apt-get install python-opencv")
- SWI-Prolog with Xpce
- Arduino IDE (Processing)
Clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/eatoin5hrdlu/EvoStat.git
Run the app:
cd app
python levelapp.py
Using the controls, line up the lagoons and turbidostat in the camera frame with the corresponding lines being (blob detection being added to automate this)
- z - read one frame and find levels and display
- r - read, find levels and display for 20 seconds.
- 0 Select the turbidostat as current vessel
- {1,2,3,4 for lagoons)
- to move up/down/left/right, or:
- h - move to the left
- j - move down
- k - move up
- l - move right
- t -make region taller
- s - make region shorter
- f - make region fatter
- d - diminish (make region thinner)
- x - exits the program