
My Vimrc

Primary LanguageVim Script

My Vimrc


This is my vimrc that I am using it has some of my own customizations and some plugins using vundle I am running neovim on debian 8 and 9


To have this work correctly you will need to install the fixed powerline fonts (airline), and run setup for YouCompleteMe

Basic setup

Clone this repo

Clone Vundle into ~/.vim/bundle: git clone https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim.git ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim

Install Neovim: Follow the instructions here to build neovim if it isn't available in your package manager

symlink your vim file to the proper location. For example: ln -s /home/user/git/vimrc/vimrc /home/user/.vim/vimrc Link the neovim config file. For example: ln -s /home/user/git/vimrc/init.vim /home/user/.config/nvim/init.vim

I also added this in my ~/.bashrc to make getting to nvim easier, since I don't have to remember to open a different text editor from now on (note it would be best to remove vim if you do this) alias vim="nvim" (keep in mind that you will need to restart your terminal session for the alias to take effect if only put in your bashrc)

Once all this is done open nvim (vim for me since I aliased it) and run :PluginInstall this might take a while as it goes through installing the plugins

More Setup that might be required

I used this git repository to install the fixed powerline fonts: https://github.com/powerline/fonts Clone the fonts repo into where ever you have your git repos (example: /home/user/git/): $ git clone https://github.com/powerline/fonts Install the fonts: ./install.sh

For YouCompleteMe you will need python support so run the following commands: pip install --upgrade neovim pip2 install --upgrade neovim pip3 install --upgrade neovim

Which should give neovim the python support needed for YouCompleteMe

For YouCompleteMe I just installed with javascript and C++ Navagate to ~/.vim/bundle/youcompleteme/ and run $./install.py --js-completer --clang-completer

It will compile YouCompleteMe and a few other modules but once it is done you should be all good to go!

Basic Keybinds

The main keybind that I added is to map jk to Esc so that my fingers don't have to leave the home row to esc insert mode

I also made capital h(H) and l(L) move the beginning and end of the line respectively

Capital j(J) and k(K) map to move 10 lines up or down

(space)c starts a comment on python and javascript files