These packages should be installed as superuser (root).

Install these before setting up an environment:

apt-get install python-setuptools python-dev libmysqlclient-dev \
python-virtualenv mysql-server git

Install Python2.7 with PUIAS:

Run these commands:

curl | python2.7 -
pip2.7 install virtualenv
yum install mysql-server mysql git mysql-devel

We should use Virtualenv for isolated environments. The following commands will be run as an unprivileged user in the product directory:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone -o origin aoa-surveys
    cd aoa-surveys

2.1. Create & activate a virtual environment:

virtualenv --no-site-packages sandbox
echo '*' > sandbox/.gitignore
source sandbox/bin/activate

2.2 Make sure setuptools >= 0.8 is installed:

pip install -U setuptools

2.3 Create an instance folder for file uploads:

mkdir instance
  1. Install dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements-dep.txt
  2. Create a local configuration file:

    cd aoasurveys
    # Follow instructions in to adapt it to your needs.
  1. Set up the MySQL database:

    # Replace [user] and [password] with your MySQL credentials and [db_name]
    # with the name of the database:
    mysql -u[user] -p[password] -e 'create database [db_name] CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;'

    The database charset MUST be utf8.

  2. Update local configuration file with database credentials and database name - default section in DATABASES dict.

  3. Create initial database structure:

    ./ syncdb
  4. Load initial fixtures:

    ./ loaddata aoasurveys/fixtures/forms.json
  5. Collect static assets:

    ./ collectstatic --noinput

Use requirements-dev.txt instead of requirements-dep.txt:

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

Use ./ import_form <file.json> to import a survey definition.

Use ./ import_answers <file.json> to import a survey answers from json.

Use ./ import_files <file.json> to download and import a survey files from json. You must set FORMS_BUILDER_UPLOAD_ROOT and DOWNLOAD_URL before running this command.

Use python contrib/scripts/ for one time merging of VLE and VL surveys. Do this after importing both answers and files.

Hard-coded value used in aoasurveys/static/js/aoa.js line 87 to identify fields that have choices. Please consider replacing this with a computed value.

The project owner is Franz Daffner (franz.daffner at

Other people involved in this project are:

  • Alex Eftimie (alex.eftimie at
Minimum requirements:
  • 2048MB RAM
  • 2 CPU 1.8GHz or faster
  • 4GB hard disk space
  • 4096MB RAM
  • 4 CPU 2.4GHz or faster
  • 8GB hard disk space

Any recent Linux version, apache2, MySQL server, Python 2.7

This project is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the EUPL v1.1.

More details under LICENSE.txt.