
GitHub action to update a Drupal 8+ instance using Drush commands

MIT LicenseMIT

Update a remote Drupal 8+ instance

This GitHub action runs remote commands over SSH to update a Drupal 8+ instance. When a deployment is made, a Drupal instance needs to run specific commands:

  1. Database updates
  2. Config import
  3. Cache rebuild
  4. Translation updates
  5. etc.


  • path - (Default: empty) - Full absolute path on the remote server where the Drupal instance is located
  • server_name - (Default: server) - Is the name of the server given in the SSH configuration (.ssh/config)
  • drush - (Default: ./vendor/bin/drush) - Name of Drush executable to use for deployments instead of default one from vendor
  • enable_extra_modules - (Default: empty) - After the deployment is done, some extra modules can be enabled (i.e. field_ui views_ui devel devel_generate etc.)

Here's an example how to configure a remote SSH server myserver given in the example below:

      - name: "Configure SSH"
        run: |
          mkdir -p ~/.ssh/
          echo "$SSH_KEY" > ~/.ssh/server.key
          chmod 600 ~/.ssh/server.key
          cat >>~/.ssh/config <<END
          Host myserver
            HostName $SSH_HOST
            User $SSH_USER
            IdentityFile ~/.ssh/server.key
            StrictHostKeyChecking no



name: Tests and code
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - name: "Update instance"
        id: release
        uses: eaudeweb/drupal-update-action@1.x
          path: ${{ secrets.PROJECT_DIR }}/live
          server_name: myserver
          enable_extra_modules: field_ui views_ui devel devel_generate views_ui webform_ui purge_ui config