
Provides a Drupal Document content type to store organisational multilingual structured PDF/Word etc. documents

Primary LanguagePHP


Provides a Drupal Document content type to store organisational multilingual structured PDF/Word etc. documents


In composer.json:

  1. In "repositories":[] add:
    "type": "git",
    "url": "git@github.com:eaudeweb/drupal_document.git"
  1. A SSH Key is required.

  2. Run: composer require drupal/drupal_document

Basic Configuration

  • Field type
    • File with Language - File with description and language
  • Field widget
    • File with language - default widget for the File with Language field type.
    • Multi Language file - display all files grouped by language.
  • Field Formatter:
    • File with Language - File formatter for file_language field type. Extends generic File formatter with the possibility to display the language selected from a dropdown with languages. If use_description_as_link_text setting is true, then show description if language is not selected. If both are empty then display the filename. Use suppress_language to suppress the language with description.
    • Dropdown File with Language - overrides the default File with Language formatter and display only files with language as a dropdown (using dropdown_file_language theme).
    • Files group by Language - Group files in tabs using available languages.
  • Facet Processor List item Language - Display the language name instead of langcode.