
Ansible role to deploy PHP versions on servers

Primary LanguageJinja

Ansible Role for PHP

Installs PHP and configure php.ini and php pool on CentOS 7, 9 and Ubuntu servers.



The templates used are the default ones when installing php with remi ()see templates/).


Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):

PHP Installation

php_version: 8.2

Default php version is 8.2, but the value can be overwritten from host_vars.

A list of the PHP packages to install is already declared see vars/.

php_default_packages: []

You can add other packages you'd like (in host_vars):

php_extra_packages: []

Configuration php.ini

See vars


These variables will be replaced in the php.ini file that exists on the server at php_ini_path

  - { option: "expose_php", value: "Off", section: "PHP" }
  - { option: "memory_limit", value: "512M", section: "PHP" }
  - { option: "max_execution_time", value: "180", section: "PHP" }
  - { option: "max_input_time", value: "60", section: "PHP" }
  - { option: "max_input_vars", value: "10000", section: "PHP" }
  - { option: "realpath_cache_size", value: "4096k", section: "PHP" }
  - { option: "file_uploads", value: "On", section: "PHP" }
  - { option: "post_max_size", value: "200M", section: "PHP" }
  - { option: "upload_max_filesize", value: "200M", section: "PHP" }
  - { option: "max_file_uploads", value: "20", section: "PHP" }
  - { option: "allow_url_fopen", value: "On", section: "PHP" }
  - { option: "display_errors", value: "Off", section: "PHP" }
  - { option: "display_startup_errors", value: "Off", section: "PHP" }
  - { option: "error_log", value: "syslog", section: "PHP" }
  - { option: "assert.active", value: "On", section: "Assertion" }
  - { option: "date.timezone", value: "UTC", section: "Date" }
  - { option: "mail.add_x_header", value: "0", section: "mail function" }

If you want to override or add others variables, use:

php_custom_settings: []

PHP-FPM (php pool)

Php fpm is enabled by default, but can be disabled from host_vars. If this variable is set to false, the pool will not be modified and the php_fpm_service will not be started and enabled.

php_fpm_enable: true 

See vars:


These variables will be replaced in the pool template (templates/pool.conf-Distribution.j2)

  - name: "www"
    user: nginx
    group: nginx
    listen: "{{ '/var/run/php' + php_version | replace('.', '') + '-php-fpm.sock' }}"
    listen_owner: nginx # listen.owner
    listen_group: nginx # lsiten.group
    listen_mode: 0660 # listen.mode
    pm_max_children: 50 # pm.max_children
    pm_start_servers: 10 # pm.start_servers
    pm_min_spare_servers: 10 # pm.min_spare_servers
    pm_max_spare_servers: 20 # pm.max_spare_servers
    pm_max_requests: 500 # pm.max_requests

Defaul pool is www. If you want to modify the default settings for www pool or to add a new pool, copy the given list to host_vars and update it.

