
Test library for Zope with temporary database layers

Primary LanguagePython

NyNose - Testing tool for Naaya


  • nose
  • selenium (for Selenium tests)
  • wsgiref (ditto)
  • coverage (for coverage reporting)


Call nynose by:

bin/nynose test.module


bin/nynose Products.NaayaCore.FormsTool

Nynose will autodiscover tests recursively in the given module. All command line options available for nose are also available for nynose.


bin/nynose -s naaya Products.NaayaCore

will test naaya and Products.NaayaCore without capturing stdout (used in combination with pdb usually).

Always use -s when debugging. If nose hangs it's probably because option -s is not used an there is a pdb somewhere.

Additional options


enables running Naaya SeleniumTestCases, with the following options available:


will change wsgi listener's port


will change selenium remote control port


will change the browser used in testing
More info on Naaya Selenium testing here: