
SiriKit, ShortCut, intent

Primary LanguageSwift

SiriKit, ShortCut, intents, intents UI

Siri ShortCut을 위한 샘플앱

SiriKit (iOS 10이상) Intents, Intents UI Framework

- Intents App Extension

User(request) -> SiriKit -> APP Task

- Intents FrameWork?

우리의 앱과 시스템의 커뮤니케이션을 도와주는 프레임워크

- Intents UI FrameWork?

Intents를 UI로 커스텀할수있게 만들어줌


SiriKit Intents

1) project -> Signing & Capabiliies에서 Siri 사용 추가


2) New File에서 SiriKit Intent Definition File 추가


3) 2번에서 만든 Intent file에서 왼쪽 하단 ‘+’ 버튼을 눌러 내가 원하는 의도대로 request와 response 작성\


4) Project -> 왼쪽 하단 ‘+’ -> Intents Extension 추가


5) Intent Extension을 추가 뒤에 Xcode는 자동으로 CityWeatherIntent.swift를 추가한다.


6) 모든 의도는 CityWeatherIntent.swift를 통하여 처리가 된다. 이를 핸들링 할수 있는 핸들러를 만들어준다.]

import UIKit
import WeatherKit
import Intents

class CityWeatherIntentHandler: NSObject, CityWeatherIntentHandling {
    func resolveCity(for intent: CityWeatherIntent, with completion: @escaping (INStringResolutionResult) -> Void) {
        guard let city = intent.city else {
        completion(.success(with: city ))
    func confirm(intent: CityWeatherIntent, completion: @escaping (CityWeatherIntentResponse) -> Void) {
        completion(CityWeatherIntentResponse(code: .ready, userActivity: nil))

    func handle(intent: CityWeatherIntent, completion: @escaping (CityWeatherIntentResponse) -> Void) {
        let weatherManager = WeatherManager()
        let cities = weatherManager.cities
        guard let city = intent.city, cities.contains(city) else {
            completion(CityWeatherIntentResponse.failureNoCity(intent.city ?? "City"))
        weatherManager.getWeather(at: city) { weatherInfo in
            completion(CityWeatherIntentResponse.success(city: city, weather: weatherInfo.briefWeather))

7) 이 후 Appdelegate에 Siri를 통해 들어온 의도를 처리할수 있는 userActivity 내용을 구현함

    func application(_ application: UIApplication, continue userActivity: NSUserActivity, restorationHandler: @escaping ([UIUserActivityRestoring]?) -> Void) -> Bool {
        // get the city name
        guard let intent = userActivity.interaction?.intent as? CityWeatherIntent,
            let city = intent.city else {
                return false
        // get the dsired view
        let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
        let vc = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "WeatherViewController") as! WeatherViewController
        vc.cityName = city
        // present the desired view
        let rootViewController = window?.rootViewController as? UINavigationController
        rootViewController?.pushViewController(vc, animated: true)
        return true

SiriKit Debugging

1) Intents 선택후 Edit Scheme


2) Siri Intent Query에 디버깅시에 시리에게 수행시킬 문자열을 입력


3) 디버깅


**참고 URL

