
small example project demonstrating database subsetting

Primary LanguagePython

Condenser(ing) Postgresql

First, create the Postgresql database.

createDB albums
psql albums

Next, create a table to import our Metacritic Best Albums of All Time CSV. These varchars are aggressive, but it works.

  rank SERIAL,
  title VARCHAR(255),
  artist VARCHAR(255),
  release DATE,
  summary VARCHAR(5000),
  metascore VARCHAR(255),
  userscore VARCHAR(255),
  link VARCHAR(255),
  img_url VARCHAR(255),
  PRIMARY KEY (rank)

Check that the table exists with \dt

Import the example CSV file:

COPY best(rank, title, artist, release, summary, metascore, userscore, link, img_url)
FROM '/Users/*****/Desktop/metacritic.csv'

Update config.json.example and cp to config.json

    "initial_targets": [
            "table": "public.best",
            "percent": 5
    "db_type": "postgres",
    "source_db_connection_info": {
        "user_name": "user",
        "host": "localhost",
        "db_name": "albums",
        "port": 5432
    "destination_db_connection_info": {
        "user_name": "user",
        "host": "localhost",
        "db_name": "albums-subset",
        "port": 5432
    "keep_disconnected_tables": false,
    "excluded_tables": [ ],
    "passthrough_tables": [ ],
    "dependency_breaks": [ ],
    "fk_augmentation": [ ],
    "upstream_filters": [ ]

Run the tool to select a 5% subset of the BEST albums.

$ python3 direct_subset.py

A successful subsetting run will produce something like:

Beginning subsetting with these direct targets: ['public.best']
Processing 1 of 1: {'table': 'public.best', 'percent': 10}
Direct target tables completed in 0.03978133201599121s
Beginning greedy upstream subsetting with these tables: []
Greedy subsettings completed in 4.0531158447265625e-06s
Beginning pass-through tables: []
Pass-through completed in 0.0s
Beginning downstream subsetting with these tables: []
Downstream subsetting completed in 9.5367431640625e-07s
Beginning post subset SQL calls
Completed post subset SQL calls in 3.1948089599609375e-05s
public.best, 12797, 1259, 0.0983824333828241