Stylus-tea-boiler was used to create a coffeescript environment using teacup for html templating and stylus for CSS-preprocessing served over express. Basic server-side MVC paradigm implemented with the data model stored in "me.cson", an index view in views, and controller logic handled by express in
$ npm install -g coffee-script bower nodemon
$ git clone
$ cd teacup-folio
$ npm install
$ bower install
$ grunt build
$ grunt
$ vim assets/css/app.styl
This project is setup for a single web application. serves the index view for the / endpoint. Client assets are written in teacup and stylus and compiled through grunt and served via express.
- js directory containes coffee files for controller logic
- css directory containes styl file
- express server
- grunt compiles coffee and styl files as js and css
- server views searched by express
- index served from here
- coffee task compile assets/js/*.coffee
- stylus task compile assets/css/*.styl
- default task watches files to compile and livereload
- livereload included through connect-livereload'
- coffeescript
- express
- stylus
- nib - stylus CSS3 mixin plugin
- connect-assets
- bower
- jQuery
- grunt