Primary LanguagePython


Python 3.7 or 3.8

DSS Python: pip install dss_python https://github.com/dss-extensions/dss_python

Numpy, Pandas, Sklearn, Argparse, Statsmodels, CVXPY, Mosek, Matplotlib, Dask, Fastparquet, S3fs

Note Mosek optimization solver requires a license to run: https://www.mosek.com/products/academic-licenses/


installation via pip


Python files

Each python file contains code related to a different aspect of the simulation. A short description of each is as follows.

  • DD_models.py: Training the data driven linear power flow models
  • dl_nrel_raw_data.py: Extracting and processing the original load profile datasets
  • read_energy_projections.py: Extracting the NREL projections from their datafile
  • opendss_interface.py: Interfacing the data with the OpenDSS simulator
  • EV_Profiles.py: Processing the data for the EV charging windows
  • global_optimization.py: Code for running the centralized controller optimization
  • local_controller.py: Code for running the local controller
  • process_data.py: Code for generating the DER scenarios including PV, EV, and storage placement
  • read_results.py: Code for reading the results of the power flow simulation
  • standardize_network_files.py: Code for interpreting between different OpenDSS data types


  1. Download datafiles as shown in Datafiles section
  2. run process_data.py to generate the scenario including electrified loads, PV, EV, and storage placement
  3. run local_controller.py to simulate the local controller on the scenario
  4. run read_results.py to evaluate the results of the power flow simulation under local control
  5. run DD_models.py to train the models used by the centralized controller
  6. run global_optimization.py to simulate the centralized controller on the scenario
  7. run read_results.py to evaluate the results of the power flow simulation under centralized control

Note that running local_controller.py, read_results.py, and global_optimization.py for the full year horizon has a very long runtime