
This project aims to provide a quick and efficient way to capture any thought to your AnyType second brain. It leverages the protobuf GRPC API exposed by AnyType.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


This project aims to provide a quick and efficient way to capture any thought to your AnyType second brain. It leverages the protobuf GRPC API exposed by AnyType.

Disclaimer: This project is not affiliated nor endorsed by the official Anytype project.


To install AnytypeCapture, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/ebanDev/AnytypeCapture.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd AnytypeCapture
  3. Install lsof (https://command-not-found.com/lsof)
  4. Install the required dependencies: npm install
  5. Create the .env file: touch .env
  6. Start the application: npm start


To use AnytypeCapture, you can either use it directly from this directory, or create an alias to run the capture at any moment

alias capture="node THISDIR/index.js"

You could also bind it to a shortcut in your DE, for example in gnome you could create a custom shortcut with the command gnome-terminal -- node THISDIR/index.js to run the capture software at any moment.
