EBANX Zen Cart Payment Gateway Extension

This plugin allows you to integrate your Zen Cart store with the EBANX payment gateway. It includes support to installments and custom interest rates.


  • PHP >= 5.3
  • cURL
  • Zen Cart >= 1.5.1



  1. Clone the git repo to your Zen Cart root folder
git clone --recursive https://github.com/ebanx/zencart.git
  1. Visit your Zen Cart payment settings at Modules > Payment.
  2. If you wish to accept credit card payments from Brazil through EBANX, locate module EBANXand click "Install".
  3. Click on "Edit". Add the integration key you were given by the EBANX integration team. You will need to use different keys in test and production modes.
  4. Change the other settings if needed. Click on "Update".
  5. If you wish to accept "Boleto Bancário" and "TEF" payment, select module EBANX Checkout .
  6. Click "Install".
  7. If needed, click on "Edit" and add the integration key you were given by the EBANX integration team. You will need to use different keys in test and production modes.
  8. Change the other settings if needed. Click on "Update".
  9. Go to the EBANX Merchant Area, then to Integration > Merchant Options.
  10. Change the Status Change Notification URL to:
  1. Change the Response URL to:
  1. That's all!


  • 1.2.1: Added Mexico Checkout. Handled Chargeback and Refund new notifications.
  • 1.1.1: added state listing by dropdown.
  • 1.0.1: fixed dob workaround and notification file.
  • 1.0.0: first release.