
[wip] Skeleton to bootstrap plain PHP projects with docker

Primary LanguageMakefile


Skeleton to bootstrap plain PHP projects with docker

Use this skeleton to create a fresh PHP project without writing the common boilerplate that is often needed in order to start from scratch.

The project is intended to use with the following development environment:

  • UNIX-like as operating system
  • Docker and Docker compose
  • GNU Make

These are not required, but highly recommended. It will allow you not to have to install locally anything, such as PHP by itself, nor Composer, nor PHPUnit, nor a web server, etc. The idea is executing all of this as a dockerized environment.

Start a new project

With docker installed, create your new project:

docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/app \
  composer create-project ebarbeito/php project-name

Once created, you can start by customizing the composer.json file, taking a look into the bin/ scripts, or the prepared tasks inside the Makefile

$ cd project-name
$ tree -f -I "README.md" .
├── ./Makefile
├── ./bin
│   ├── ./bin/composer
│   ├── ./bin/php
│   ├── ./bin/phpunit
│   └── ./bin/run
├── ./composer.json
├── ./config
│   ├── ./config/composer
│   │   └── ./config/composer/Dockerfile
│   ├── ./config/fpm
│   │   ├── ./config/fpm/Dockerfile
│   │   └── ./config/fpm/conf.d
│   │       └── ./config/fpm/conf.d/ext-xdebug.ini
│   └── ./config/nginx
│       └── ./config/nginx/site.conf
├── ./docker-compose.yml
├── ./phpunit.xml.dist
├── ./public
│   └── ./public/index.php
├── ./src
├── ./tests
│   ├── ./tests/Functional
│   │   └── ./tests/Functional/DummyFunctionalSuiteTest.php
│   ├── ./tests/Integration
│   │   └── ./tests/Integration/DummyIntegrationSuiteTest.php
│   └── ./tests/Unit
│       └── ./tests/Unit/DummyUnitSuiteTest.php
└── ./var

bin/ scripts

Due to not having installed any development tool (only Docker), the aim of this scripts is simulate the real commands.

The ./bin/run script

./bin/run is just the wrapper around the command docker-compose run. So, each time you execute it, you are running docker-compose run indeed.

./bin/run <command> [arguments]

The "command" is a service defined in docker-compose.yml

  • ./bin/run composer [arguments]: To use composer
  • ./bin/run phpunit [arguments]: To use phpunit
  • ./bin/run php [arguments]: To use php

The other scripts

The rest of the commands relies in ./bin/run to do their job. They make the same, but with less verbosity.

  • ./bin/composer [arguments]: To use composer
  • ./bin/phpunit [arguments]: To use phpunit
  • ./bin/php [arguments]: To use php

So, instead to use a global php command (or a composer one), this scripts are a replacement to be used in the same way as usual.

Makefile tasks


Docker compose services
