
Programming Language Project (Prove max-flow/min-cut theorem of Graph Theory)

Primary LanguageCoq

max-flow/min-cut theorem

Formalize a graph network with edges labelled with their capacity. Prove max-flow/min-cut theorem of Graph Theory.

####Log: #####04/07/2014 Defined the vertex, list and graph structure.

#####04/21/2014 No significative advance before. Readjusted everything. Modified definition of principals structures (vertex, graph). Graph is defined as a list of vertex, where edge are represented as adjacence list. Added principal fixpoints headers, graph properties.

#####04/23/2014 Completed the fixpoints related to Graph definition.

#####04/25/2014 Added GraphExample in order to test fixpoints and properties using a example graph of 4 vertex. Added attrib. flow to the Graph structure as a new attrib in vertex definition (VerName * Weight * Flow). Adjusted definitions according to changes made.

#####04/30/2014 Changes list fixpoint from Prop to bool. Some adjustment were done in Graph Properties and lemma.


  • Prove theorems: exists_max_flow and flow_conservation_path.