Built Late 2021

Datadog Take Home Exercise

By Eloi Barti

Running the exercise

There are two options to run the exercise:

  1. Build from source
  2. Use one of the pre-built binaries

Build from source

  1. Install Go 1.17+
  2. Clone the repository to $GOPATH/src/github.com/ebarti/dd-assignment
  3. Run go build .
  4. Binary is built as dd-assignment

Using one of the pre-built binaries

Check the /bin directory for the binaries.

Getting Started

Run ./dd-assignment --help to see the available options.

About my solution

I chose Go for my implementation as the language features a set of concurrency primitives that are very useful for this exercise. I used cobra to handle some CLI basics like flags, help menus, etc.

Here is the architecture of the solution:

│  ┌─────────────────┐                          │
│  │  FILE READER    │                          │
│  └───────┬─────────┘                          │
│          │Message           ┌───────────────┐ │
│          │              ┌───► LOG MONITOR   │ │
│  ┌───────▼────────┐     │   │               │ │
│  │                ├─────┘   └───────────────┘ │
│  │  LOG PIPELINE  │ProcessedLog               │
│  │                ├─────┐   ┌───────────────┐ │
│  └───────┬────────┘     │   │               │ │
│          │              └───► LOG MONITOR   │ │
│          │ ProcessedLog     └───────────────┘ │
│  ┌───────▼────────┐               .....       │
│  │METRICS PIPELINE│                           │
│  └───────┬────────┘                           │
│          │ []MetricSample                     │
│  ┌───────▼────────┐                           │
│  │    METRICS     │                           │
│  │   AGGREGATOR   │                           │
│  └────────────────┘                           │

File Reader

  • Reads line by line from the input file
  • Creates a Message for each line
  • Feeds the message to its output channel

Log Pipeline

  • Reads the Message from its input channel
  • Processes the message according to its LogProcessorFunc
  • Asynchronously feeds the processed message to its output channel and all observing LogMonitors

Log Monitor

  • Reads the processedLog from its input channel
  • Generates a metric sample for each processed log
  • Aggregates the metric according to the monitor's configuration
  • Monitors the value of the metric and, if the value is above the threshold, prints an alert to the console

Metrics Pipeline

  • Reads the processedLog from its input channel
  • Generates a (set of) metric sample(s) for each processed log LogFilter and a LogMeasure. Tags the metrics according to its groupBy configuration
  • Sends the samples to its output channel

Metrics Aggregator

  • Reads the metric samples from its input channel
  • Aggregates metrics by interval
  • When an interval is complete, it flushes the metrics and renders them to the console


  • As the log monitor and the metrics aggregator run on different goroutines, the order of the console output is not guaranteed.

  • As I think it is good practice (and it is so simple to do in Go), I have vendored all the project dependencies via go mod vendor and are under the vendor directory.

Future improvements

Order of output

If the output needs to be ordered, a custom logger could be implemented. This logger would be fed logs and timestamps, and would keep a cache of some logs to be printed. Multiple conditions could be implemented on how the cache is flushed, like:

  • If the cache is full (basic)
  • If the last M logs received are all of increasing timestamp The flushing would obviously flush the cache in increasing order of timestamp.

Reader becomes a fully fledged agent

My initial implementation of the solution included a simple "datadog-like" agent. However, due to the added complexity and the little value it added to my solution, I decided to scrap it. A future improvement would be to create a fully fledged agent, able to tail log files in real-time, handle log file rotations, etc.

Backend exposes an API

Right now the file-reader (the closest to a datadog-agent in this solution) is using a channel to send the messages it reads. A future improvement would be to decouple it from the backend by exposing an API for the agent to send the messages.


There is a bit of coupling between the different components of the solution. Although some of my components do actually already implement interfaces like Restartable, it would be a good idea to clean up the code so that the components are referenced by their interface rather than a pointer.

Types of Metrics

Right now only count based metrics are supported. Some other metrics could be added, like:

  • Rates
  • Gauges
  • Histograms
  • etc.

Service metrics

Right now there are no metrics on the actual backend. It would be nice to know things like ingestion latency, how many resources the backend is using, etc.