
Deploying Gitlab to IBM Cloud Kubernetes Services

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Deploying Gitlab to IBM Cloud


The scripts here are used to deploy GitLab on IBM Cloud using a Kubernetes Service.

IBM Cloud already has a Git repository for free in some data certers. But in my case customer cannot put the source code outside of the country, so i need to deploy GitLab.

Available examples

Deploying Gitlab

1. Prerequisites

1.1 Cloning Repository

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/ebasso/ibm-cloud-deploy-gitlab.git

cd ibm-cloud-deploy-gitlab

1.2 Install ibmcloud and kubectl

Have the IBM Cloud client (ibmcloud) and Kubernetes (kubectl) CLIs installed and working.

1.3 Login to IBM Cloud and Configure environment

Login to IBM Cloud

ibmcloud login

Target the right organization and space

ibmcloud target --cf

1.4 (Only first time) Install the IBM Cloud Container Service plug-in

ibmcloud plugin install container-service

2 Deploying

2.1 Check for existing clusters or create one

Test if you have any clusters set-up already, or create a new cluster from the web-based UI, because of multiple options.

$ ibmcloud ks clusters
  Name            ID                     State    Created       Workers   Datacenter   Version                   Resource Group Name   Provider
  eb-k8s-cluster  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa01   normal   2 days ago    1         ams03        1.16.9_1529               rg-dev                classic
  eb-oc31-cluster bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb02   normal   1 month ago   3         sao01        3.11.200_1548_openshift   rg-dev                classic

2.2 Download and set the configuration for your cluster

ibmcloud ks cluster-config --cluster ek8s-cluster

you can confirm

kubectl config current-context

2.3 Run the scripts in the repo

I suggest you to open Kubernetes console and follow when each component is ready!

Execute the scripts in the following order:

kubectl create -f kubernetes/postgres/postgres.yaml
kubectl create -f kubernetes/redis/redis.yaml
kubectl create -f kubernetes/gitlab/gitlab.yaml
kubectl create -f kubernetes/ingress.yaml

After this, the GitLab container should be ready after 2 to 5 minutes.

Access GitLab

For Standard cluster: the Gitlab will be now accessible at ek8s-cluster.us-south.containers.mybluemix.net. Happy coding!

(For Free Cluster) Get the Public IP and Port for your GitLab

Run the following commands to get your public IP and NodePort number.

ibmcloud ks workers --cluster ek8s-cluster

  ID                                                 Public IP        Private IP      Flavor   State    Status   Zone    Version
  kube-hou02-pa817264f1244245d38c4de72fffd527ca-w1   free     normal   Ready    mil01   1.16.9_1531

$ kubectl get svc -o wide

  NAME         TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                     AGE     SELECTOR
  gitlab       NodePort    <none>        80:30080/TCP,22:30022/TCP   60s     app=gitlab,tier=frontend
  kubernetes   ClusterIP       <none>        443/TCP                     2d19h   <none>
  postgresql   ClusterIP   <none>        5432/TCP                    46m     app=gitlab,tier=postgreSQL
  redis        ClusterIP      <none>        6379/TCP                    46m     app=gitlab,tier=backend

With the "Public IP" and "PORT", you can access your newly deployed gitlab. In this example

Note: The administrator username is 'root'.

Delete the environment

If you need to customization or try again, you can delete the environment with commands

kubectl delete -n default deployment postgresql
kubectl delete -n default service postgresql
kubectl delete -n default persistentvolumeclaim gitlab-data-claim
kubectl delete -n default persistentvolume gitlab-postgres-pv

kubectl delete -n default deployment redis
kubectl delete -n default service redis
kubectl delete -n default persistentvolumeclaim gitlab-redis-claim

kubectl delete -n default deployment gitlab
kubectl delete -n default service gitlab

kubectl delete -n default ingress gitlab

ignore error is you don't have storage