
The documentation for the botmaster project

Primary LanguageCSS

go to http://botmasterai.com to read the documentation.

to contribute to this documentation

1. Copy project locally

git clone git@github.com:botmasterai/botmasterai.github.io.git
cd botmasterai.github.io

2. Install dependencies

yarn // or npm install

3. Do some changes in the markdown in ./docs

4. See how those changes would look in production

yarn watch // or npm run watch

If you now go to http://localhost:4000 you will see your version of the docs running. Whenever you update the ./docs folder, your documentation will be updated. When happy with the changes, CTRL-C out of it and then:

5. Make sure you build the whole project

yarn build // or npm run build

This will make sure the botmaster favicon is being used as well as build the whole project for you if you skipped step 4.

6. Commit to your fork/branch

git add --all
git commit -m "Your commit message"

7. Submit your Pull Request

As the title says, you can then push to your fork and submit the Pull Request.