
My one-line firefox theme, based on other themes found online

Primary LanguageCSSGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Loosely based on both https://github.com/khuedoan/one-line-firefox and https://github.com/CristianDragos/FirefoxThemes/tree/master/Simplify%20Sunset, The first was used for the one-line theme, but edited to fit my needs, and the second was used as a source on how to theme various UI elements - since I have many of them hidden, unnecessary lines were removed, and same colors were often combined into a single define.

Thanks to both of the original authors for their work - I could not have managed my theme without theirs.

How to install:

  • open about:config
    • toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets: true
    • browser.compactmode.show: true
    • extensions.pocket.enabled: false
  • Use compact density toolbar, remove all spaces and/or unnecessary icons
  • Go to your FF profile folder (easiest way: use about:support to find it), create a folder called chrome, clone this repository inside it.