- 1
Exact value of resistor in SYSOFF section
#15 opened by billiororen - 2
Where do GNDPWR and Earth connect to?
#12 opened by xpol - 2
- 1
USB D+ and D- are reversed for the moko MK08a MCU
#13 opened by xpol - 1
- 2
Leds data pin connected to low frequency output
#10 opened by tomy983 - 3
holyiot 18010 uf2 bootloader
#11 opened by michaelrommel - 2
USB ESD Protection Labels wrong?
#9 opened by OAreiqat - 3
- 7
Ask: Please provide the ZMK config
#7 opened by LamDVT - 3
Question about UG_EN
#2 opened by eigenbrain - 10
Question about SWDIO/SWDCLK
#3 opened by Forge-Media - 3
Question about battery connection.
#4 opened by BeefcakeTheMighty