
My Projects Portfolio

Primary LanguageJavaScript

My Projects Portfolio (personal-site)

A website to show my projects portfolio

Install the dependencies

# or
npm install

Start the app in development mode (hot-code reloading, error reporting, etc.)

quasar dev

Lint the files

yarn lint
# or
npm run lint

Format the files

yarn format
# or
npm run format

Build the app for production

quasar build

Customize the configuration

See Configuring quasar.config.js.

Docker configuration

Criando Imagem Docker

docker build . -t ebdonato/personal-site:tag

Criando um container com a imagem

docker run -d -p 8080:80 ebdonato/personal-site:tag

Criando outra tags

docker tag ebdonato/personal-site:tag ebdonato/personal-site:new-tag