
Check for unused Deno dependencies

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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Check for unused dependencies

depcheck, inspired by NPM's depcheck.

Table of Contents

Quick Start

$ deno run --allow-read='.' https://deno.land/x/depcheck@v2.1.0/mod.ts

You can even use this as a step in your CI, as if unused dependencies are found, the process will fail.


depcheck checks for any unused dependencies in your project. It will pull dependencies used in deps.ts and tests/deps.ts/test/deps.ts (if either exist), and check if each one is used within your project, returning a response of if any dependencies are unused.

Alternatively, you can pass in an argument to explicitely tell depcheck to check that file. Depcheck will still try check a tests deps.ts automatically:

$ deno run --allow-read ='.' https://deno.land/x/depcheck@v2.0.0/mod.ts deps.js


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