
Pomodoro app made with Elm

Primary LanguageElm


Pelmodoro is an attempt to create a somewhat feature-complete Pomodoro timer app so you can track your working sessions using the Pomodoro technique.

It runs in the browser but can also be installed as a stand-alone app as a PWA on mobile devices or other browsers that allow that type of installation like Edge.

What is the Pomodoro technique?

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. The technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. Each interval is known as a pomodoro, from the Italian word for 'tomato', after the tomato-shaped kitchen timer that Cirillo used as a university student. -- Pomodoro Technique from Wikipedia


  • Personalize your sessions
  • Productivity / sentiment logs
  • Stats
  • Multiple means of notification like sounds and browser notifications
  • Spotify integration to sync a playlist to a working session
  • Multiple color themes
  • Export your stats data
  • And more...

What about the name?

Pelmodoro started as a side-project to improve my skills in writing Elm, hence the name pELModoro. I'm not a huge fan of using tech names on product names, but in this case, it just felt right.


Like said before, Pelmodoro is written almost entirely in the Elm language. If you are willing to contribute with code, you might wanna take a look at the language's guide if you are not familiar with it yet. It is easy and fun, you should give it a try!

For the most part, I consider this project done, but there are few areas where contributions are much appreciated:

Outstanding bugs: If you find any bugs that prevent you from using the app, create an issue describing the problem and we can work it out.

New themes: If you have any ideas for a new theme or just want to import a different color scheme to Pelmodoro, take a look at how themes are implemented here and here. New themes are always appreciated.

Quotes: You can contribute with quotes related to productivity, mindfulness, awareness, and so on. Take a look at the quotes we already have here to get a sense of the type of quotes we use on the app. Try to bring insightful ideas that can aggregate to everyday real life.

Alarm sounds: We can always go with more options. If you find a cool sound, we can add it. Just make sure that we can use it freely. Freesound seems to be a good place to find new sounds.

Spelling and grammatical errors: If you spot any words or expressions that are wrong or can be improved, just let me know or send your PR. There are probably a bunch of those as english is not my first language.

PWA improvements: This app is my first attempt at creating a PWA application. I'm sure there are ways to improve things there.

Other ideas might be discussed on issues, just let me know.

Running locally

Clone the repo and run the following commands:

$ cp .env.sample .env
$ npm install
$ npm run dev

Now go to https://localhost:1234 and you should see the app running.

You can also build the project running:

$ npm run build

Built artifacts will be available in the /dist folder.