
Template for NPM packages with React

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Template for Gene Expression Atlas and Single Cell Expression Atlas NPM packages


Be sure to be running npm@4.0.0 or later. At least Node.js 10 LTS is strongly recommended.

Clone this repository

git clone https://github.com/ebi-gene-expression-group/atlas-package my-package
cd my-package
rm -rf .git
git init
git remote add origin https://github.com/ebi-gene-expression-group/my-package.git

Remember to create then a new repository in the specified origin above. Prefix the package name with “atlas-” if this package is to be used by both (bulk) Expression Atlas and Single Cell Expression Atlas (i.e. a general package); otherwise use “gxa-” or “scxa-”. If you think your project is general enough to be used as a utility package by others, feel free drop the prefix. You can have a look at our packages repo to see some examples.

Fill in package metadata

Fill in the fields name, description and repository. Finally, replace or remove README.md.



Runs the build script before npm publish. Only the lib directory is packaged, so make sure everything (including assets such as CSS or images are there).

_postversion, _postpublish

If your package is managed by an external manager such as Lerna you won’t need these two scripts. If your package is going to be manually versioned and published, remove the leading underscore to automate version bumping and publishing: after bumping the version with e.g. npm version minor, the package is automatically published and pushed, with all tags.


npm test runs all phases of the test lifecycle (i.e. pretest, test and posttest); in case you’ve added support for Coveralls you won’t likely want to run the posttest phase. If that’s the case just do npx jest.


Basic test boilerplate is included with Jest and Enzyme. Jest is a test runner, an assertion library and a snapshot tester, whereas Enzyme allows DOM testing. See the examples included in __test__ to get an idea.

Continuous integration

If you want CI and nice passing/failing badges, enable the repository in Travis CI. Now, with each push, Travis CI will run your tests and generate a report. You can display a test status badge going to Travis CI, clicking on the badge and pasting the Markdown embed snippet on your README.md.

Enabling code coverage is very similar. You need to enable your repository in Coveralls. Every time that Travis is run, it will generate coverage information and send it to Coveralls for a coverage report. If you go to Coveralls, you can also get a snippet to embed the coverage report shield on your readme file.

What’s included?


No polyfills are included by default, but you might want one or both of these:


npm install --save-dev whatwg-fetch @babel/polyfill

Tweak your webpack.config.js to include them in your entry points:

entry: {
  myComponent: [`@babel/polyfill`, `whatwg-fetch`, `./html/render.js`]

Run it on your browser

Use Webpack-Dev-Server:

npx webpack-dev-server -d