
A HOC React component that enables other components to remotely fetch data from an endpoint

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This component has been permanently moved to the Atlas Components monorepo

Expression Atlas React Fetch Loader

A HOC React component that enables other components to remotely fetch data from an endpoint.


import { withFetchLoader } from '@ebi-gene-expression-group/atlas-react-fetch-loader'
import MyComponent from 'my-component'

const FetchLoadMyComponent = withFetchLoader(MyComponent)

  {...passThroughProps} />

Be aware that fields in the JSON data overwrite values passed in as props.

By default, if there’s an error fetching the remote data, instead of the wrapped component an alert Callout will be rendered with a brief description of the underlying error (this is to conform to the EBI Visual Framework). If you want to handle the error yourself you can pass an errorPayloadProvider function prop; it takes an error object as its only argument and returns an arbitrary object which will be destructured and added to the pass-through props. This is especially useful if e.g. you’d like to render an error message within your wrapped component using info such as the error code or a message supplied by the server.

The error object has the following shape:

interface Error {
  description: string;
  name: string;
  message: string;

There is a similar prop, loadingPayloadProvider, to replace the animated loading message with your own component. In this case, however, the function has no arguments. As a matter of fact it could be an object, but as a function it’s consistent with errorPayloadProvider.