
Schema and loading methods for scxa-analytics index

Primary LanguageShell

Docker Repository on Quay

Module for Single Cell Expression Atlas Solr index (v0.6.0)

Scripts to create and load data into the scxa-* Solr indexes (for analytics and gene2experiment). Execution of tasks here require that bin/ directory in the root of this repo is part of the path, and that the following executables are available:

  • awk
  • jq (1.5)
  • curl

Version 0.2.0 was used for loading the August/September 2018 Single Cell Expression Atlas release.


The setup on the CI is made to use authentication with default user and password. The calls assume these settings (solr:SolrRocks), but the user and password can be modified by doing:

export SOLR_USER=<new-user>
export SOLR_PASS=<new-pass>

To use default auth in a new solr cloud instance, upload test/security.json to ZK as shown in the Setup auth part of the run_tests_in_containers.sh. To set up users in a production setting the script create-users.sh will receive two set of users:



it will create both users, giving the first admin privileges and the second reading privileges only, delete the default user and set the instance to only work with authenticated users.

scxa-analytics collection v8

Create collection

To create the schema, set the environment variable SOLR_HOST to the appropriate server, and execute as shown

export SOLR_HOST=

After doing this you will need to copy the scatlas.owl file to all your running SolrCloud containers. Set the SCXA_ONTOLOGY environment variable to the path of the OWL file as mounted inside the container. Remember to prepend file:// to the value of the variable, e.g.: file:///opt/solr/server/solr/scatlas.owl.


Enable BioSolr

scxa-analytics-v8 makes use of the BioSolr plugin to perform ontology expansion on document indexing. In order to enable BioSolr, there are 3 options:

Option 1: Local .jar file

Place BioSolr jar (which can be found in the repository's lib directory) under /server/solr/lib/ in your Solr installation directory. This is the oldest option, and has some security issues, but for testing should be fine.

Option 2: Solr package manager (used in the CI - preferred for production)

Newer versions of solr introduced a new approach, named package manager, to deal with 3rd party JARs and files to be made available to solr. This implies the following steps:

  • Create a set of private/public keys (you can run create-keys-for-tests.sh as shown in run_tests_in_containers.sh and keep those).
  • Start solr cloud with the -Denable.packages=true as done in the CI.
  • Upload the public key to solr through Zookeeper (see how the SIGNING_* variables are used and the Upload der to Solr part, both in run_tests_in_containers.sh).
  • Sign the JAR file with the private key and upload it to the solr file store (in our case, BioSolr solr-ontology-update-processor-2.0.0.jar, done by upload-biosolr-lib.sh in the analytics.bats, noting that it is running inside the solr container and that for this purpose, the private key was mounted inside that container on startup).
  • Create the package biosolr (done as well by upload-biosolr-lib.sh) in solr pointing to that signed JAR in the solr file store.
  • Verify the package (done as well by upload-biosolr-lib.sh).
  • Deploy the package as part of the schema creation (done by create-scxa-analystics-schema.sh).

In the CI, all these steps are done. In some cases, through the API, and in some cases through direct bin/solr calls, which might require a container with the same solr version plus the URI to the desired solr server (or execute them inside the same solr server).

Please note that for changes in the Solr version, most likely changes in BioSolr plugin will be required, at the very least to point to the newer Solr version, and hence a new JAR will need to be added here. Version 2.0.0 was built against Solr 8.7 (as used in the CI).

Create schema


You can override the default target Solr collection name by setting SOLR_COLLECTION, but remember to include the additional v<schema-version-number> at the end, or the loader might refuse to load this.

Add suggesters

For the Single Cell Expression Atlas, run the script:


Suggesters Dictionary Implementation

We are using multiple dictionaries (dictionaryImpl) for a single SuggestComponent to fetch various suggestions.

Dictionary Implementations:

  • ontologyAnnotationSuggester
  • ontologyAnnotationAncestorSuggester
  • ontologyAnnotationParentSuggester
  • ontologyAnnotationSynonymSuggester
  • ontologyAnnotationChildSuggester

Build suggesters

For the SCXA, to build suggesters with multiple dictionaries on the Solr, run this script:


Load data

This module loads data from a condensed SDRF in an SCXA experiment to the scxa-analytics-v8 collection in Solr. Temporary files are created as part of this process; by default they are written to $PWD but this can be overridden by exporting the $WORKDIR variable. You should make sure that the running user has write permissions to either the current working directory, or $WORKDIR if it has been set.

export SOLR_HOST=
export CONDENSED_SDRF_TSV=../scxa-test-experiments/magetab/E-GEOD-106540/E-GEOD-106540.condensed-sdrf.tsv


Delete an experiment

In order to delete a particular experiment's analytics Solr documents based on its accession from a live index, do:

export EXP_ID=desired-exp-identifier
export SOLR_HOST=



Tests are located in the tests directory and require Docker to run. To run them, execute run_tests_in_containers.sh. The tests folder includes example data in TSV (a condensed SDRF) and in JSON (as it should be produced by the first step that translates the cond. SDRF to JSON).

scxa-gene2experiment collection v1

Create schema

To create the schema, set the environment variable SOLR_HOST to the appropriate server, and execute as shown

export SOLR_HOST=


You can override the default target Solr collection name by setting SOLR_COLLECTION, but remember to include the additional v<schema-version-number> at the end, or the loader might refuse to load this.

Load data

This module loads data from a Matrix Market rows file (set in env var MATRIX_MARKT_ROWS_GENES_FILE) containing gene identifiers in the rows for a SCXA experiment to the scxa-gene2experiment-v1 collection in Solr. The experiment accession needs to be set in the environment variable EXP_ID. These routines expect the collection to be created already, and work as an update to the content of the collection (deduplicating experiment_accession,gene_id tuples). Temporary files are created as part of this process; by default they are written to $PWD but this can be overridden by exporting the $WORKDIR variable. You should make sure that the running user has write permissions to either the current working directory, or $WORKDIR if it has been set.

export SOLR_HOST=
export EXP_ID=E-GEOD-106540
export MATRIX_MARKT_ROWS_GENES_FILE=../path/to/E-GEOD-106540.aggregated_counts.mtx_rows


Delete an experiment

In order to delete a particular experiment's gene2experiment Solr documents based on its accession from a live index, do:

export EXP_ID=desired-exp-identifier
export SOLR_HOST=



Tests are located in the tests directory and require Docker to run. To run them, execute run_tests_in_containers.sh. The tests folder includes example data in Matrix Market format.


The container is available for use at quay.io/ebigxa/index-scxa-module at latest or any of the tags after 0.2.0, so it could be used like this:

docker run -v /local_data:/data \
       -e EXP_ID=<the-accession-of-experiment> \
       -e SOLR_HOST=<solr-host:solr-port> \
       -e MATRIX_MARKT_ROWS_GENES_FILE=<path-inside-container-for-matrixMarkt-file> \
       --entrypoint load_scxa_gene2experiment_index.sh \

Please note that MATRIX_MARKT_ROWS_GENES_FILE needs to make sense with how you mount data inside the container. You can change entrypoint and env variables given to use the other scripts mentioned above.