
two phase lattice boltzmann with zou-he boundary and half way bounce-back

Primary LanguagePython


two phase lattice boltzmann with zou-he boundary and half way bounce-back citation

├── lattice_boltzmann            # Lattice boltzmann code
│   ├── bounce_back.py           # half way bounce_back for block
│   ├── create_block.py          # create block
│   ├── fingering.py             # Poiseuille flow in porous medium
│   ├── fingering_periodic.py    # Poiseuille flow in porous medium with periodic boundary
│   ├── fingering_per_gpu.py     # gpu version of fingering_periodic.py 
│   └── valitation.py            # wettability validation
|── spectrum_method              # viscous fingering simulation by spectrum_method
│   ├── main.py                  # Non reactive viscous fingering (https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.866726)
│   ├── main_3phase.py           # three phase precipitation viscous fingering (https://journals.aps.org/pre/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevE.93.023103)


