
Write CSS using JavaScript without a framework.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

JS-CSS (JavaScript-Stylesheets)

Write CSS using JavaScript without a framework.


There are a few reasons I can think of.

  1. Modularity - You can customise elements outside of the CSS area, and reuse those parts in other areas.
  2. Compatibility - Works on IE and Edge, removes the need for a preprocessor to use variables.
  3. Conditionals - Deliver custom themes, or style specific elements before delivering content.

JS-CSS doesn't try to bloat your files with unnecessary objects. All it's doing is parsing your JS and translating it to CSS.

What can it do?

JS-CSS currently supports all methods and selectors, as well as media queries (new). If you do require anything else, it's always possible to overwrite using a CSS file.

[You can't nest items]

But the file size is larger!

Well, considering it's ~2KBs in size, there shouldn't be any noticeable performance hit. The code also delivers minified* CSS to the webpage. Isn't it also worth all those extra possibilities?