
Movies REST API, using .Net Core 3.0

Primary LanguageC#

Movie Challenge


  • .NET Core 3.1

  • In Memory Repositories


  • The Application must accept request on port 8000, by the default is running over the port 8080 and must be changed.

  • The below resources are read-only and must not been changed or push to the repository:

    • bin/*

    • api-challenge.postman_collection.json

    • dotnet.postman_environment.json


Create the endpoints for a basic Movie Store management system. The definitions and detailed requirements have been listed below.

Movies CMS

Each movie data is a JSON object with following properties:

  • movieId: unique integer identifier

  • title: name of the movie

  • description: information about movie

  • stock: how many items are available for sale or rent

  • rentalPrice: how much it will cost to rent this movie

  • salePrice: how much it will cost to buy this movie

  • available: indicator that shows if the movie could be rented or/and sold

You need to implement the /movies REST endpoint for the following operations:

POST requests to /movies:

  • Should store the movie into the repository and return the inserted information with status code 201

  • Title, stock, rental and sales price are required

  • Availability by default should be true

Curl Request

curl --request POST \
    --url https://localhost/movies \
    --header 'Accept: application/json' \
    --data '{
        "title": "Amazing Spiderman",
        "description": "Another Spiderman Movie",
        "stock": 10,
        "rentalPrice": 25,
        "salePrice": 90,
        "available": true

Response Body

  "movieId": 1,
  "title": "Amazing Spiderman",
  "description": "Another Spiderman Movie",
  "stock": 10,
  "rentalPrice": 25,
  "salePrice": 90,
  "available": true

PUT request to /movies/{movieId}

  • Should update the movie based on the given id and payload and response with status code 200

  • Title, stock, rental and sales price, are required

  • Availability by default should be true

Curl Request

curl --request PUT \
  --url https://localhost/movies/1 \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "title": "Amazing Spiderman",
    "description": "Another Spiderman Movie",
    "stock": 10,
    "rentalPrice": 25,
    "salePrice": 90,
    "available": true

Response Body

  "movieId": 1,
  "title": "Amazing Spiderman",
  "description": "Another Spiderman Movie",
  "stock": 10,
  "rentalPrice": 25,
  "salePrice": 90,
  "available": true

PATCH request to /movies/{movieId}

  • Should update the movie based on the given id and payload and return status code 200

Curl Request

curl --request PATCH \
  --url https://localhost/movies/1 \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "title": "Amazing Spiderman",
    "description": "Another Spiderman Movie",
    "stock": 10,
    "rentalPrice": 25,
    "salePrice": 90,
    "available": true

Response Body

  "movieId": 1,
  "title": "Amazing Spiderman",
  "description": "Another Spiderman Movie",
  "stock": 10,
  "rentalPrice": 25,
  "salePrice": 90,
  "available": true

DELETE request to /movies/{movieId}

  • Should delete the movie based on the given id

  • A cascade deletion should be performed

Curl Request

curl --request DELETE \
  --url https://localhost/movies/1 \
  --header 'Accept: application/json'

Http Body

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

GET requests to /movies:

  • Should response a collection of movies. By default, only available movies should be response, unless unavailable parameter indicates otherwise. unavailable=true returns all the movies.

  • Should response a movie’s page by paginating with size and page parameters, and sorting with sort parameters (sort parameter syntax sort=<field[,asc|,desc]>). By default, each page must have at most 12 elements and start at the first page and sorted by a title ascendant. page=1, size=20, sort=description,asc

  • Should filter the movies by a title parameters. Where parameter is case-insensitive and could be just a peace of the movie’s title .

  • Should return an object containing the content property, that contains the array of Movies that have been found

  • Should return an object with the following properties:

    • size: the size of the page requested

    • numberOfElements: the number of elements that are found in the current page

    • totalElements: the number of elements found with the given criteria

    • totalPages: the number of pages available

    • number: the current page number

Curl Request

curl --request GET \
  --url https://localhost/movies \
  --header 'Accept: application/json'

Response Body include::../snippets/movies.adoc[tags=movies.get.all.response]


Each sale data is a JSON object with following properties:

  • id: unique integer identifier

  • movieId: unique integer identifier of the movie sold

  • customerEmail: customer email that bought the movie

  • price: the price witch the movie has been sold

You need to implement the /sales REST endpoint for the following operations:

POST requests to /sales:

  • Should response 201 when the movie has been sold.

  • Only available movies could be sold.

  • Stock should be updated.

Curl Request

curl --request POST \
  --url https://localhost/sales \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "movieId": 1,
    "customerEmail": "customer@domain.com"

Response Body

  "movieId": 1,
  "customerEmail": "customer@domain.com",
  "price": 20


Each rental data is a JSON object with following properties:

  • id: unique integer identifier

  • movieId: unique integer identifier of the movie rented

  • customerEmail: customer email that rented the movie

  • price: the price witch the movie has been rented

You need to implement the /rentals REST endpoint for the following operations:

POST requests to /rentals:

  • Should response 200 when the movie has been rented.

  • Only available movies could be rented.

  • Stock should be updated.

Curl Request

curl --request POST \
  --url https://localhost/rentals \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "movieId": 1,
    "customerEmail": "customer@domain.com"

Response Body

  "movieId": 1,
  "customerEmail": "customer@domain.com",
  "price": 15


Each like data is a JSON object with following properties:

  • movieId: unique integer identifier of the movie sold

  • likes: total likes given by the customers

  • customers: arrays of the distinct customer that have liked the movie

You need to implement the /likes REST endpoint for the following operations:

POST requests to /likes:

  • Should response 201 when the movie has been liked by a customer.

  • Only available movies could be liked.

Curl Request

curl --request POST \
  --url https://localhost/likes \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "movieId": 1,
    "customerEmail": "customer@domain.com"

Response Body

  "movieId": 1,
  "likes": 1,
  "customers": ["customer@domain.com"]


Each transaction data is a JSON object with following properties:

  • movieId: unique integer identifier of the movie sold

  • likes: total likes given by the customers

  • customers: arrays of the distinct customer that have liked the movie

You need to implement the /transactions REST endpoint for the following operations:

GET requests to /transactions/movies/{movieId}:

  • Should return information of the movie’s transaction bases on the given movie id.

  • Should return 404 when information has not been found.

  • Should return the information base on a range of dates, whether any of the rental or sale transaction has been made (both inclusive). from=2000-01-01 to=2021-12-31

Curl Request

curl --request GET \
  --url https://localhost/transactions/movies/1?from=2000-01-01&to=2021-12-31 \
  --header 'Accept: application/json'

Response Body

  "movieId": 1,
  "rentals": [
  "sales": [
  "totalRevenue": 89,
  "customers": [

Test Endpoints

A Postman Collection has been provided for you, this collection has the following folder:

  1. start-here: Here are some request examples that you can run against your application. We suggest to start developing these endpoints first, since they are the ones required for every test in the collection.

  2. tests: Here you can find the request along with the test scenarios, the scenarios have been design based on the requirements, and will be used to grade your solution.

You can follow the steps to import a collection into Postman

Here are some useful information on how to run a collection. Keep in mind that you will need to select the environment for all the test to run.

You will need to import the below files (The files could be found at the root level of the project):

  1. api-challenge.post_collection.json: Postman Collection.

  2. dotnet.postman_environment.json: Environment variables needed by the collection

Run Commands

If you want to run or install the application, here are some useful commands:

Start the application

dotnet run --project Challenge.API

Install the application

dotnet build Challenge.API