
Open source Dota 2 replay parsing and statistics

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

YASP - YASP: Another Stats Page

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  • Replay Parsing: Parses replays of Dota 2 matches to provide in-depth statistics for matches.
    • Item build times
    • Pick order
    • Number of pings
    • Stun/disable time
    • Consumables bought
    • Runes picked up
    • Laning position heatmap
    • Ward placement map
    • LHs per min table
    • Radiant advantage/Gold/XP/LH graphs per min
    • Teamfight summary
    • Objective times
    • Largest hit on a hero
    • Ability uses/hits
    • Item uses
    • Gold/XP breakdown
    • Damage/Kills crosstables
    • Multikills/Kill streaks
    • All chat
  • Advanced Querying: Supports flexible querying and aggregation with the following criteria:
    • Player(s) in game (account ID)
    • Team composition (heroes)
    • Opponent composition (heroes)
    • Standard filters: patch, game mode, hero, etc.
  • Aggregations:
    • Result count, win rate
    • Win rate by hour/day of week
    • Histograms (number of matches across Duration, LH, HD, TD, K, D, A, etc.)
    • Hero Matchups (win rate when playing as, with, against a hero)
    • Teammates/Opponents (win rate playing with/against particular players)
    • Max/N/Sum on multiple stat categories
    • Mean item build times
    • Skill accuracy
    • Records
    • Multikills/Kill Streaks
    • Laning
    • Ward Maps
    • Trends
    • Comparison against other users
    • Word Clouds (text said and read in all chat)
  • Rating Tracker: Keep track of MMR by adding a Steam account as a friend
  • Pro Games: Optionally parses professional matches: leagueid>0
  • Modular: Microservice architecture, with pieces that can be used independently
  • Scalable: Designed to scale to thousands of users.
  • Free: No "premium" features. All data is available for free to users.
  • Open Source: All code is publicly available for feedback and contributions from the Dota 2 developer community.


  • Web: Node.js/Express
  • Storage: MongoDB/Redis
  • Parser: Java (powered by clarity)


  • Install dependencies. If on Debian/Ubuntu: sudo bash init.sh Otherwise, you're responsible for figuring out how to install dependencies yourself.
  • Create .env file with required config values in KEY=VALUE format (see config.js for a full listing of options) cp .env_example .env
    • Note: If you have 'Steam Guard' activated on your account you will either have to deactivate it or create a new account for use with the retriever (recommended).
  • Build npm run build
  • Run all services in dev mode (this will run under nodemon so file changes automatically restart the server): npm run dev. You can also start individual services.

Sample Data

  • wget https://github.com/yasp-dota/testfiles/raw/master/dota.zip && unzip dota && mongorestore --dir dota to import a database dump if you want a medium-sized data set to work with.

Developer's Guide

  • The project uses a microservice architecture, in order to promote modularity and allow different pieces to scale on different machines.
  • Build step. npm run build executes the following.
    • npm install Downloads and installs the Node dependencies from npm.
    • npm run maven Uses Maven to build the Java parser.
    • npm run webpack Builds and minifies the client side JS using Webpack.
    • npm run constants Builds constants.json from sources.json by requesting some dynamic data from URLs.
      • web requires constants for display purposes (map internal strings to friendly names)
      • fullhistory requires constants (needs to iterate through heroes)
  • Descriptions of each service:
    • web: An HTTP server which serves the web traffic.
      • All of the querying, filtering, aggregation, and caching happens here.
      • We use pm2 to be able to run multiple instances to serve our web traffic and reload the server when deploying new code (minimizes downtime due to rolling restart)
    • retriever: An HTTP server that accepts URL params match_id and account_id.
      • Interfaces with the Steam GC in order to return match details/account profile.
      • Accessing it without any params returns a list of the registered Steam accounts, and a hash mapping friends of those accounts to the Steam account.
      • This is used in order to determine the list of users that have added a tracker as a friend for MMR tracking.
    • parser: An HTTP server that accepts a URL param url.
      • It expects a compressed replay file .dem.bz2 at this location, which it downloads, streams through bunzip2, and then through the compiled parser.
      • The parser emits a newline-delimited JSON stream of events, which is picked up and combined into a monolithic JSON object sent back to the client as the response.
      • The schema for the current parsed_data structure can be found in utility.getParseSchema.
    • parseManager: Processes parse requests.
      • Runs buildSets prior to start to ensure it has has the retrievers and parsers to begin parsing.
      • This starts a number of parse job processors based on the number of available parsers.
      • Processing a job:
        • getReplayUrl to get the download URL for a replay. It selects randomly from the list of available retrievers to serve the request.
        • Send a request to a parse worker with the url.
        • Read the response from parse worker and save as match.parsed_data.
    • worker: Takes care of background tasks. This is still a bit of a jack-of-all-trades since it used to process all job types before we moved some of them out to individual processes.
      • Processes incoming parse requests, using the processApi processor.
        • This could probably go in its own process.
      • Runs some functions on an interval.
        • buildSets. Update sets of players based on Mongo/Redis state.
          • Rebuilds the sets of tracked players, donated players, and signed-in players by querying Mongo/Redis and saves them under keys in Redis.
          • It also creates Redis keys for parsers/retrievers by reading config. Could be extended later to query from a service discovery server.
        • serviceDiscovery.getRetrievers. This iterates over the list of retrievers stored in Redis and queries them.
          • This includes the list of players who have a tracker as a friend, and the list of bots to offer to users.
          • In Redis, we store a mapping of the user's account ID to the retriever that hosts the tracker (since the MMR can only be fetched from that tracker).
        • Used to updateNames, which requested Steam personanames for 100 users on a timed interval. We currently aren't updating names in the background.
        • Used to process API calls created by updateNames.
    • scanner: Reads the Steam sequential API to find the latest matches to add/parse.
      • Runs buildSets prior to start to ensure we have the latest trackedPlayers so we don't leak matches.
      • If a match is found passing the criteria for parse, operations.insertMatch is called.
      • If match.parse_status is explicitly set to 0, the match is queued for parse.
    • proxy: A standalone HTTP server that simply proxies all requests to the Steam API.
      • The host is functionally equivalent to api.steampowered.com.
    • skill: Reads the GetMatchHistory API in order to continuously find matches of a particular skill level.
      • Applying the following filters increases the number of matches we can get skill data for;
        • min_players=10
        • hero_id=X
        • By permuting all three skill levels with the list of heroes, we can get up to 500 matches for each combination.
    • mmr: Processes MMR requests.
      • Sends a request to the retriever hosting the user's tracker.
    • fullhistory: Processes full history requests.
      • By querying for a player's most recent 500 matches (API limit) with each hero, get most/all of a player's matches.
  • Parses come in one of two ways:
    • Sequential: We read a match from the Steam API that either has leagueid>0 or contains a player in the trackedPlayer set.
    • Request: Requests are processed from the Request page. This reads the match data from the steam API, then uses operations.insertMatchProgress in order to force waiting for the parse to finish.
      • The client uses AJAX to poll the server. When an error occurs or the job finishes, it either displays the error or redirects to the match page.
      • Requests are set to only try once.
  • Player/match caching:
    • We cache matches in Redis in order to reduce DB lookups on repeated loads.
    • Player caching is more complicated. It means that whenever we add a match or add parsed data to a match, we need to update all of that match's player caches to reflect the change (to keep the cache valid).
  • Tools recommended for developers on the command line: sudo npm install -g mocha foreman nodemon
    • mocha is used to run the tests. Installing the command-line tool allows you greater control over which tests you want to run.
    • foreman is used to run services individually. The executable name is nf.
    • nodemon watches the server files and restarts the server when changes are detected.
  • npm run watch: If you want to make changes to client side JS, you will want to run the watch script in order to automatically rebuild after making changes.
  • npm test to run the full test suite.
  • Brief snippets and useful links are included in the wiki


  • Project started in August 2014
  • Originally forked from Rjacksonm1/matchurls, started in July 2013

Core Development

  • howardchung
  • albertcui
  • nickhh